Chapter 9

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You were passed out on the couch from yesterday.

"How did I get home?"

You got up off the couch to make some coffee and cereal.

You splashed some water on your face to get up a little more.

After the coffee was done you grabbed it and let if cool. Just then you had an idea.

You took the mug of coffee upstairs with you to brite's room.

She was still sleep. You had a smirk on your face.

You poured the coffee on her head and then ran back downstairs.

"Dumb whore!"

Drift woke up and went to Brite's room.

He gasped at what he seen.


You went upstairs to brite's room to see everyone surrounding brite.



"Yes. Said cuddle.
"Drift told me about why you were acting that way last night."

"People, does y/n not have a right to be mad or something? I mean, I would be mad if someone stole my man too! (No homo)" Rex said.

"But last night she was trying to steal someone's boyfriend who was already in a RELATIONSHIP."

"I- ..."

Rex went over to you and whispered in your ear.

"Okay sorry n/n your on your own now."

You stood there with your arms crossed.

"Rex is right! Do I not have the right to be mad?"

"But your mad because you can't have something you want. Y/n you can't always have what you want. Hasn't anyone ever told you that?" Brite said.

"Okay yeah! But that still doesn't give me the right to be mad about it?! Don't you see drift? I've been waiting for you to come thru since day one. I know you seen the ways I looked at you, or when I blushed if you got close to me or said something cute and silly. Do you need glasses? Are you blind? I know you've seen all the support I've given to you in the past. Heck even right now. I don't know if you've noticed but before I confessed I was keeping it a secret. But us know what? I kept supporting you. Drift I know you noticed all that. Drift, do even actually love her?"

"Of course I l-"

"No drift I want you to just think about it. Do you actually love her?"

Drift looked back at Brite. She had tears in her eyes.

Drift furrowed his eyebrows.


"I'm sorry what?" Brite said.

"No. I don't love you."

Brite started crying.

"Now that I think about it ever since we started dating you've just been forcing this relationship on me."

Drift looked over at you.

"And you... you can't even accept that I'm with another girl and I don't want to be with you. Why would I ever wanna be with you? Y/n I don't expect this from you."

"Drift wait-"


Drift walked away angry.

"Nice job dickhead."

"Fuck off brite. I'm not in the mood and you're not either."

You walked out the room and went to drifts door.

You knocked on the door. "Drift?"

He didn't answer. A few minutes later you were still knocking on the door.

"Fine I'm just going to stay here until you come out."

You shuffled songs in your playlist and started listening to one of them.

You then drifted off to sleep still at drift's door.

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now