Chapter 6

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Zaria says she's getting rid of Zaria because she thinks that people think that she's annoying. TIME TO KILL OFF ZARIA.

"Wow... I had no idea you both could be so rude."

"She was rude us so we were rude to her."

"I'm sorry she was just really annoying."

You sighed and didn't say anything.


Before you walked back upstairs you started to laugh out of nowhere.

After a few seconds it got out of control.

"What are you laughing about?" Drift asked looking creeped out.

You pointed to brite.

"Yo- you got fucked up!"

You started laughing even harder.

"Look at her face!"


You kept laughing.

"Y/n stop laughing its not funny." Drift said angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But just look at her!" You kept laughing and laughing and went upstairs.

It brings joy to you to see brite get hurt. You'd never felt this way about brite before.

As you had a big smile on your face, there was a knock at the door.

It was Zoey and teknique. They looked at each other, and then you. They both started laughing and came in your room.

"Was pretty funny to see brite get beat up." Teknique said.

"Mhm." Zoey said.

"I'm glad someone people agree with me."

"To be fair, they were being jerks to that girl."

There was a silence for a moment.

"So, teknique and I were planning on throwing a party in flush. Wanna come? It starts at 9."


"Why? This could be your opportunity to make up with drift."

"Well yeah, but I'd rather stay here "

"Bullshit. We're getting you in something pretty."

You rolled your eyes and then smiled.


-time skip-

It had been an half an hour and teknique and Zoey had finally found something for you that seemed perfect to get drift hooked on.

It was a f/c tube top with some cute grey sweatpants and you did your hair up in your favorite style.

"Beautiful." Zoey said.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, your ready." Teknique said.

Zoey and teknique had been ready.

They were going to leave early and I was getting to the party at 9:30."

Zoey had her hair down with a pink dress and teknique had some ripped jeans on with a tank top and her in a ponytail.

"Alright were gonna head out see ya there."

You waved them goodbye and saw them leave along with brite, drift, and abstrakt.

You had the house all to yourself.

You watched TV until it was time for you to go.

"Let's try to earn drift."

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now