Chapter 13

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"Alright were about to head in. Remember the hand signals." You nodded.

You both went through the entrance and brite opened the iron door as quietly as she could and quickly snuck in the facility.

"We'll both take different paths. You try that way and up those stairs and I'll go this way. If you find drift you know what to do. Separate!"

You both parted ways and you went the way brite told you to go.

Drift's pov

"Alright if we're gonna get outta here we gotta go downstairs and get to the entrance."

"But how? We need a plan there plenty of people down there and they could catch us!"

"Hmm... I'll go out and distract them and while they have their attention on me you try and run out."

"Wait I think I have a safer idea."

I tried to use my powers to make a rift out of the place, but my powers had seemed to be blocked which meant I couldn't use them.

"See? We have to go with my plan."

"But don't you see? Your putting your life on the line!"

"That's okay Lia was going to erase me from the story anyway."

"Wait what? Who's Lia and what story?"

"Not important right now."

"C'mon let's go."

Zaria went to the door and opened it to see brite(dark) and y/n.

"Y/n!" I went up and hugged y/n."

"Brite? What happened?"

"I'll explain later."

"Y/n are you okay?"

She nodded her head.

"We gotta get out of here." Brite said.

"Yeah we have a plan. Just follow my lead." Brite said.


You all snuck downstairs moving swiftly and quietly.

Brite gave you a hand signal to go behind one of the people and attack them and told everyone else to do the same.

It was a success and everybody got a gun.

Everyone continued to sneak until Zaria had tripped over her long ass jacket and made a sound.

"Who's there!"

"Everybody stay together and run to the door!"

Everyone ran as fast as they could and finally got outside.

"Everyone alright?"

"Yeah." Everyone answered.

"Wait a minute. We're missing one." Brite said.

"We're missing Zaria!"

"Fools. You thought you were going to escape without loosing something?" Omen said. He had Zaria held hostage with a hand canon pointed to her head.

"Let her go omen!"

"Not until you give me that." Omen pointed to your necklace.

"Y/n don't do it."

You hesitated it was either let Zaria die or give over the last thing your grandma gave you before she died.

"Y/n don't worry you don't have to!" Zaria shouted.

You started to looked worried.
"Just run everyone!"

"But wouldn't that kill you?"

"Y/n told me the story of that necklace. I know that it's important to you. Just go!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Brite got on the quad crasher and motioned you and drift to get on. There wasn't enough space but somehow you made it work.

"Thanks for killing me Lia!" Zaria said.

"What- who are you taking to?"

"The author of course. Now kill me."

Omen pulled the trigger and then she was gone.

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя