Chapter 11

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A/n- for the Smuts not got gonna be using any words like your or you because I don't want it to be awkward.

"Wait what?"



"Look, when I was driving home I had realized how much I'd been hurting you these past seasons and you have just been taking the pain. And yes when we first met I had eyes for you until brite came in. Y/n we did everything together and no matter what you always made me smile. I love you. Do you love me?"

"..." y/n was speechless. Ever since she had a crush on drift she'd been wanting to hear him say this.

***ACTUAL SMUT******************* WARING****************************************************************

"Get. On. The. Bed." Was all she could say.

Drift smiled and had done as she told him.

Y/n climbed on top of drift and paused for a minute.
She then gave him a rough kiss on the lips and then turned the lamp off.


Drift flipped him and y/n over so he was on top.

"Yeah. I'll top."

Y/n blushed.

Drift was saying this to ME?

Drift gave y/n a soft kiss on the lips and moved down to her neck and them her thighs leaving saliva on the places he kissed her along with some hickeys.

Drift took off the green dress y/n was wearing leaving her in only a bra and some panties.

Drift took off his shirt and pants making him only in his boxers.

"Your sexy." Drift said.

"I could say the same for you."

Drift chuckled.

He then took off y/n's panties giving her shivers throughout her body.

"I'm new to this let's start off easy."
Drift took off his boxers revealing his member.

Drift nodded and then began to rub his member at y/n's entrance giving y/n a good feeling on her purse.

"Alright I'm going in tell me of o hurt you."

Y/n nodded her head.

Drift went in starting slow, and then a little fast. As drift was going tiny moans came from y/n and drift.

"Ow your hurting."

"Do you wanna try something else?"

"I guess."

Drift stopped and then took himself out of y/n.

Drift then got off of y/n and y/n kissed drift passionately.

Drift then went on to touch y/n's purse and then start to massage it.
This made y/n feel even better than before.

He had done that for a minute.

"Alright I'm ready know."

Drift and y/n had switched spots and y/n let drift once again go inside her. There were moans from both mouths from the pleasure. There was a tiny bit of mess but no one really cared.

A few minutes later they were done. They were tired and happy.

Y/n finally got the chance to express her feelings for drift.

-time skip-

You woke up in an empty bed.
Drift must have went downstairs to eat breakfast.

You got out of the bed and then put on drifts jacket that he left on the dresser.
The jacket stopped at your knees.

You washed up your privates and them put you panties on and went downstairs.

No one was up except for drift. He was eating cereal in his boxers.

"Morning sweetness."

You chuckled at what drift called you.


Drift got up and gave you a hug.

"You enjoy your night?" Drift winked.

"Yeah." Drift gave you a peck on the lips.

Drift sat back down to finish his cereal and you were about to make your "special cereal" but you were interrupted by the throwing of a smoke bomb and you couldn't see.

"It's time for you both to die now..."

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat