Chapter 15

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You threw the crystal on the ground and crushed it.

You then ran over to fate and knocked her against the wall.

You then used your telekinesis to choke her which made her slide up on the wall.

"What? A mortal with powers?" She said struggling to escape.

"Damn right."

It wasn't long before fate fell out and hit the floor. Her body disappeared into purple smoke.

You went over to drift.

You touched him and felt a little shock.
You then noticed that you had his mask and his jacket on. He had your mask on. Drift then woke up and saw what happened and noticed his jacket and mask on you.

"What the..." you both said at the same time.

You tried to take it off but it wouldn't budge. It was like someone hot glued it to your face.

You used your telekenis to try and take it off but all it did was make a portal.

This is all I can write for now.

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now