Chapter 12

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Your pov

I woke up in rags and everything felt numb.
There was blood dripping g from my lip and there was a scar on my chest.

I was tied to a chair and I had no idea how I got here.

"Ah, your awake."

I could barely speak a word. There seemed to be something wrong with my throat and I may have lost my voice.

"It seems dark bomber beat you until you couldn't speak."

Looking confused I looked around and saw brite standing in the corner. She looked like she felt bad.

"Look y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't wanna go this she and the ice king are forcing me."

"Shut the hell up dark bomber!" The ice queen slapped Brite hard.

Brite slapped her back causing the ice queen to get mad and start a fight. This gave me time to try and escape.

I broke the rope around my wrist by rubbing it up against the hard iron chair I was in.

My feet were already free so I got up and went over to the ice queen ND helped brite fight her.

Since I was already beaten I wasn't going to last long until I fell out or even died.

Brite had punched the ice queen and then she'd been gone.

Brite grabbed my hand and we ran out of the door.
Brite parked a quad crasher by the facility and we got on it and drove away.

"We have to go get drift."

Drift's pov

I woke up on the ground of a small room with no windows.
I was in a dark place that had only tiny bits of light.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the ice king's prison." A feminine voice said.

"Who said that?"

"It was me. You may remember me."

The person talking to me came from the shadows and reveal her face.

"Your that girl y/n had over that time. What's your name?"

"Zaria. We may have our differences, but I could help you escape outta here."


"No problem."


You and Brite had been at the ice king's castle.

"Y/n do you still have that uniform ragnorock gave you?"

You nodded your head yes.

You then used your telekinesis and tried as hard as you could to bring it to you all the way from home
But, you managed to get it.

"Nice. Put it on and then we'll head inside."

Guys I'm so sorry it took so long I have this this bug test coming that determines if.I'm going to the next grade or not and I've just been trying to study and I've been just being lazy not even thinking to make another chapter and I've just been reading and commenting on the others instead of focusing on mine. Sorry! Love y'all

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now