Chapter 6

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You had woken up with a slightly wet pillow from my tears.
You had gotten up and went to the bathroom to wipe the tears out of your eyes.

You then looked at your reflection in the mirror. What were you doing? This the second night you'd woken up with watery eyes and tears on the pillow, you can't do this all the time. you need to stay strong.

"I'm a mess." You said looking at yourself in the mirror.
You then splashed water on your face and then went downstairs.

You saw brite cooking breakfast while the others were on the couch laughing at the TV.

"Morning sleepy head!" Brite said with a sweet smile.

"Morning." You said.

"I'm making scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon. How many pancakes do you want?"

"I'll take 2."

"Alright let the pancakes cool for a bit, and then we can eat them with the rest of the breakfast."

"Right. Can I talk to you brite?"

"Sure, whatcha need?"

"Well, you know that note drift left me? It was about drift leaving for a while."

"Yeah what about it?"

"It got me thinking... I want to help drift fight off that man, so I was hoping you could train me and me the basics of fortnite? I mean, you are a pro."

"Of course I could! When would you like to start?"

"Can we start today?"

"Sure. The sooner the better."

After the conversation, the pancakes had been done cooling and ready to eat.

"Everyone! Breakfast is ready!"

Rex ran over to the table and sat down ready to eat.

"Yes pancakes!" Rex said.

"Yay! Brite's pancakes are the best!" Cuddle said.

Brite had placed everyone's plates on the table and everyone dug in.

Y/n's pov

The morning had been over and it was now the afternoon and brite and I had been training ever since we were done with breakfast.
Brite and I had finally decided to take a break.

While brite and I were taking a break we decided to talk a bit.

"Drift and I were fighting this man, and something was strange. We already knew how to build and our aim was great, do you know what was up with that?"

"Oh yeah! Your stats back on earth when you were playing fortnite effects the way you build, aim shoot, ect. So if you are a pro at playing fortnite you would also be a pro here too."

"Ohh, that makes a lot of sense."

"Yeah. Your pretty good yourself."

You smiled at brite.


"Your welcome. Wanna get back to work?"

"Yeah i'm ready."

For the rest of the day it had just been training, training, training and brite and I was tired.

"Brite, should I be worried about drift?" I asked brite while we were walking home.

"No, I think he'll be able to take card of himself. Earlier you told me how good he was at building, and shooting."

"I know, but what if he gets in trouble?"

Brite had stopped and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, stop worrying. He'll be fine."


You sighed and then smiled at brite.


Brite nodded at you and then you both walked home.

-time skip-

Y/n's pov

I were in my room making up my bed, and I saw brite come in.

"Hey, you need help with that?" Brite asked.

"No, i'm good."


Before she left she came over to me and said something.

"Why are you so worried about him? I was supposed to be his girlfriend." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry, i'm not really the type to just let people go easily. Especially best friends."

"Y/n do you have a crush on drift?"

"I- umm..."

"Because if you do, I can let you have him. It looked like you to liked each other back when he was here."

"Oh no! I don't like drift! Pffffft! Why would I like another girl's boyfriend?"

"Okay." Brite chuckled at how suspicious you were acting when she said that.

Brite finally left and I was in the room by myself.

I pulled out drifts shirt from under my bed and stared at it.

I took off my shirt you had on, and then put drifts shirt on.

I then put on my hoodie on over the shirt, and got my backpack and snuck out through the backdoor since there were no cameras there.

"I'm coming drift."

Zaria says that she hates brite bomber but, she doesn't want brite to always be the bad guy so she decided to switch things up. Instead of a backstabbing bitch she's a sweet girl.


You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now