On That Fateful Night - Leo

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Hey, so this is a new thing I'm working on. I'm gonna try to have little to no author's notes, just to reassure you guys. Since this is the first chapter, I made an exception. Just wanted you guys to know that if you have any specific scenarios you want to see, let me know in the comments. 

And also, yea I'm gonna include the backgrounds of the readers in the first chapters. To me, it just helps explain things later on, you know?

Well, carry on reading. Hope you enjoy!

Damn, New York City winters were harsh. 

You were currently strolling through the cold, covered-in-snow-and-frost, but still beautiful Central Park. You felt that you needed to get some fresh air, even if it chilled you down to your bones. You had been cooped up for the past few days, bombarded with work and the side babysitting job you had. 

You were 17. You should be being bombarded with a part-time job, schoolwork, and wanting to hang out with your friends and socialize. But you weren't.

See, your old home life wasn't that great. Before you had moved here to New York, you had lived in a small rural town in Pennsylvania. Your parents had been in a terrible accident and neither made it in the end. The event occurred when you were 16, so you worked to get your GED so you could take care of your 4-year old brother. You got adult presences to back you up and fight with you in court to let you keep your little brother with you in your apartment, so neither of you would be sent off to foster care. In the end, you won custody, but it didn't last long. Your GED didn't take you as far as you'd hoped, and with you being the only one in the house able to work, things quickly went downhill. You worked yourself to the bone trying to keep your brother fed and healthy. You got sick very often, though. Food started dwindling every time you stayed home from work for a few days. When child services came to check in on you, they had quickly noticed how the conditions were and deemed you no longer fit to have your brother in your custody. You fought to keep him, but you realized they were right. You couldn't survive with how little sleep you got, how you barely had enough time in between jobs to feed yourself let alone a 4-year old boy. So, with a heavy heart, you watched them take him away. You promised him that you would always find a time to visit, though.

So that's why you're here. In New York City. You couldn't stay in that apartment anymore, where it seemed as if everything always went wrong. You had decided you needed a change of scenery, bad. You would go back to see your brother often, but since it was just you now you decided to hell with it. Things were gonna change. 

You shoved your face further down into your scarf that was wrapped around your neck and over half your face. No matter how many layers you threw on, it always seemed as if the cold got to you.

Finally making it onto the streets, you reasoned you better get home before it got even later, which meant colder. 

You passed multiple alleyways. You always had a habit of watching each of them as you passed, maybe hoping to see something interesting in them, like maybe a stray cat, or a homeless man digging through the garbage, or-

A mugging?

You stopped in your tracks, staring down the alleyway that...had three men and-what? Is that a kid?

Looking closer it appeared to be a girl, a young one at that. Twelve? Maybe thirteen? And that's when it hit you:

This isn't a mugging, this is a rape attempt.

Well, not on your watch.

Quickly springing into action, you picked up a nearby empty can and threw it at the guy closest to you, hoping to gain their attention.

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