Thinking Time - Mikey

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Mikey was currently watching you play kickball with a small rock, a fond look in his eyes. You seemed to be taking finding out you were in a sewer surprisingly well.

"Woah, we're in the sewer?"

"Uh, yeah...sorry if it bothers you," Mikey rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, hoping you wouldn't be too disgusted. He really wanted to you accept it. Him. His family. Your approval was something precious to him right now.

"Actually, it's kinda cool," you smiled, and then you took off, leaving Mikey behind to blink at the spot that you were currently in. Breaking out in a smile, he raced after you.

There was something special about you. Even April had fainted upon first seeing them, but you, for some reason, didn't. You took all that they were in stride and accepted them with that big, beautiful smile on your face, soft (E/C) eyes gazing at them with not a hint of fear or rejection, just curiosity and care. 

He thought you were beautiful from the moment he saw you, back at Central Park. He didn't hesitate approaching you, being the social turtle that he is. He couldn't let you, probably the most beautiful thing he's ever seen build that snowman all by yourself. Two is better than one, they say. 

His admiration of you only grew as you two goofed around in the park. Never once did things get awkward or he felt bored. Not when you kept tugging him around to continue your guys's fun, laughing that boisterous, sounded-like-angels-singing-in-a-choir laugh of yours. He wanted you to keep laughing, feeling himself get lost in your happiness. Hanging out with you in Central Park gave him a sense of normalcy, made him forget that he was a mutant turtle underneath all the layers he had been wearing. Made him forget that you would probably run screaming had you caught even a glimpse of his real look.

But he was wrong. So wrong. Because you were both here, now. You knew exactly what he was, and you still flashed him that gorgeous smile of yours without a moment's hesitation. 

"Hey! Why don't you come play with me? I need an opposing team, or else this game of kickball is just me kicking around a rock," you giggled. He gazed at you dreamily, wondering if you were actually real, actually with him right now. Or maybe this was a sick dream he was having, his mind playing tricks on him. 

After a moment of silence, you walked over to Mikey. "Mikey?" You placed your hand on his arm, your touch igniting a fire underneath where your hand was placed. It surely shook him out of his gawking, and made him realize he hadn't graced you with an answer.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, sure, I'd love to play, dudette!" He hurried over to across your makeshift playing field, jokingly getting down into a fighting stance.

"Bring it, sweet cheeks!" He forced his face into a mock scowl, pointing to his eyes then to yours with two fingers, then pointed at the ground, mouthing 'you're going down.'

You burst out into laughter, keeling over and holding your sides. It wasn't long before Mikey broke character and joined you in your laughter.

Giggles still racking your body, you studied Mikey. You didn't know what it was about him, but he just made you more open. You felt like you didn't have any worries when you were with him. It seemed as if it was just you and him, neither having any judgement for the other. It made you feel free, as if a weight had lifted off your shoulders. You noticed you hadn't thought about your apartment, your mom, or work ever since you had begun hanging out with Mikey.

Being with Mikey...made you feel warm. A weird way to put it, but that's all you could really describe it as right now. When those shining baby blue eyes gaze into yours, that wide smile planted on his face that gave you tingles, you felt a pull to be closer to him. Every time he laughed, you couldn't help a smile making its way onto your face. His laugh just did that, it was so childlike, unbothered. As if he hasn't any care in the world. His laugh seemed like the sun breaking through the clouds on a cloudy day. 

Wiping a tear from his eye, Mikey let out the last of his chortles as he straightened, catching your gaze. Neither of you moved to break eye contact, both of you standing there gazing into each other's eyes with a stupid grin on your faces. Mikey never could've guessed that he was plaguing your thoughts, nor you could've guessed you plagued his. 

Clearing your throat, you nodded to the rock still laying on the ground between you two, still not breaking eye contact. "So, we gonna face off or what?"

Not moving his gaze from yours, Mikey nodded. "Of course, I couldn't give up an opportunity to kick your butt."

"Mhmm, whatever floats your boat," you giggled. Still, neither of you moved your gaze from the other one's. 

Finally, you glanced down at the rock, then back up at him, which seemed to have broken whatever spell he had been under while gazing into your eyes. He shook his head, blinking a couple times, giving you a sheepish grin.

"So, let's get this competition going, yeah?"

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