The More You Know - Leo

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Having made it to the surface, Leo was quick to pick you up in his strong arms and head for the rooftops, where you gave him directions to your apartment, which was only a few blocks ahead of the rooftop you two were on now.

While Leo leaped lightly to your building--being careful not to jostle you with your head injury--you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of safety you got from being in his arms. You felt secured, protected. It felt nice.

"We're here," you heard Leo call from above you, and you opened your eyes to find yourself being set down onto the rooftop of your apartment building. You smiled to yourself, the familiar feeling of being home relaxing you completely.

You walked over to the east side of the building, looking down at the fire escapes and locating your bedroom window. You pointed to it.

"There, that one's unlocked," you told the turtle behind you. Leo nodded and, picking you up once again, hopped gently onto the fire escape. He set you on your feet carefully and waited behind you as you opened your window for the both of you to slip through.

"You don't lock your bedroom window?" Leo asked, now standing in the middle of your room, looking mildly uncomfortable. You shut the window behind you two and locked it.

"Normally, I do. But on nights that I'm planning to go hang out up on the roof, I don't. And that's what I was planning to do when I got home that night you saved me," your back was to Leo when you said this, so you didn't see Leo smile to himself proudly at the reminder that he saved you. He didn't know why it brought him pride at the fact that he saved you, he saved a lot of people. Something about you just made it all different. Made it actually mean something.

Lost in his thoughts, Leo didn't hear you calling his name until he felt a finger poke him right in between the eyes. Startled, he shook his head and peered into your worried (E/C) irises.

"What?" He asked, slightly embarrassed.

"I called your name, like, three times. Are you okay?" You asked.

"Oh. Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Just got lost in my thoughts," he chuckled sheepishly, "don't worry about it."

You eyed him suspiciously. "Okay, if you're sure."

"I am," he gave you a small smile. There was no way he was going to let you know that he was thinking about you, no way at all. At least not yet.

Watching him for a moment longer, you shrugged and led Leo out of your room and into the living room. He surveyed the room curiously, when his eyes landed on a picture of you and what looked to be your parents and a little boy. You seemed to be a couple years younger in the picture, but Leo still thought you looked cute.

"Who's that?" He pointed at the picture. You followed his stare to the picture and smiled sadly. Walking over to the wall it was on, you plucked the picture off the nail it was hanging from, eyes drawing over the picture nostalgically.

"My family and I. I had just turned 14, and my parents decided to celebrate by taking us all out to the annual carnival that passed through our town. My little brother was only 1, but, man, he was a little rascal. Crawling away from us constantly if we weren't paying attention, digging in people's bags. He kept us on our toes that day, for sure. But we all had a blast," you laughed wetly, your eyes stinging with oncoming tears at the trip down memory lane.

Leo placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry I asked, I didn't mean to make you go through that." You shook your head at him.

"No, no, it's not your fault. You're probably curious now, and I should tell you so it doesn't become some issue in the future," you sniffed. "My parents got in a really bad car accident when I was 16. It was a bad night to be driving, it was pouring so hard you could barely see five feet in front of you. But my dad still went to pick up my mom from the airport, she had gone on a little vacation with some friends, and she was just so happy to be coming home. To finally be seeing us again after only a week, that she couldn't wait another second away from us. So my dad went to get her, road conditions be damned. When they were coming home, some guy was going a little too fast, couldn't stop fast enough because he couldn't see my parents until they were right in front of him. He slammed into the side of our car, and my parents rolled about 15 feet. The roof had been caved in so bad there was no way they were going to get out on their own. And when the ambulance got there, they were both dead," you clenched your teeth together, trying to fight the onslaught of tears you could feel surfacing.

"And the guy who hit them?" Leo asked gently, now caressing your shoulder with him hand.

"Panicked. Drove away after he hit them, and they haven't found him since. I had to get references from people I knew to keep everything we had. To keep my brother from being put in foster care, our apartment from being taken away. I was at the age that I could get emancipated, so I didn't need to worry about foster care for myself, but my brother was my biggest worry. I fought tooth-and-nail to keep him, working constantly to pay our bills and keep us fed, not to mention make sure my brother could still go to school. In the end, I kept getting so sick and I just couldn't work anymore. It was affecting my body negatively, I couldn't survive the way I was. So they ended up taking my brother away anyway, put in the exact place I was trying to keep him from going to. I just...I don't know, I feel like I failed him. Failed my parents," you sighed, the tears you had been keeping at bay finally making their way down your face. Back at your hometown, you had never voiced these feelings to anyone because you had a feeling that they weren't comforting you for your benefit, that they were only doing it to make themselves seem like better people. So now that these feelings were out in the open, it was reopening some old emotional wounds that you had hoped were healed. Guess not.

"Hey," Leo called gently, lifting your chin to make eye contact with you, "you, in no way, failed your family. You did your best, tried your hardest. There was absolutely nothing you could have done, you wouldn't have survived long by working yourself that hard. Your parents know how hard you tried, and in my opinion I think they'd be more than proud of you." He wiped the tears off your cheeks with his thumb, smiling gently at you. Leo could see a lot more similarities between you and him, and it made him feel connected to you. He was determined to help you through this.

Sniffling, you smiled back at him. "Thanks, Leo. Sorry I kinda just dumped that on you."

"Don't be," Leo said, and even though your face was red, blotchy, and puffy from crying, tears still running down your face, your nose slightly running, you were still the most beautiful thing Leo's ever seen.

Stepping away from Leo, you hung the picture back up on the wall, running a finger over the picture one last time before turning back to Leo. 

"Well," you cleared your throat, wiping your face, "I better start packing."

"Okay," Leo's eyes followed you as you walked into your bedroom, now feeling more protective over you than ever. He just wanted to whisk you away, away from all your worries and grievances. You were too good to have so many burdens on your shoulders, you were too kind. He didn't know how you could still be so kind to others with all that you carried on your shoulders, but it earned you more respect in his eyes. 

Leo was inspecting all the movies that you had when he heard, "I'm ready." He turned at the sound of your voice and froze.

You were beautiful. Yes, he's probably thought that many times before but, damn, you were beautiful. You had changed into a pair of gray sleep shorts, a black t-shirt that was a size too big draping over those, and ankle-high sky blue (he was beginning to think you were made for him) fuzzy socks covering your feet, all with your hair now thrown up in a messy bun. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were still slightly red from crying earlier, but it only added to your beauty. You were gorgeous.

You giggled slightly at seeing Leo staring at you wide-eyed. "Leo, ready to go?"

Shaking his head quickly, Leo nodded at you. "Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. Do you have everything you need?"

"Yup, got it all," you held up your overnight bag, bulky with all the things you threw in it.

"Then let's go," Leo smiled, picking you up once again, now holding you tighter against his plastron, securing you to him.

Leo didn't know what you were doing to him, but he was willing to go along for the ride.

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