Thinking Time - Raph

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Walking in silence, you kept your head down while Raphael strolled next to you, stealing glances at you as you both went on. Neither of you knew what to say, both of you being lost in thought. 

See, Raph didn't know what to think of you. Sure, you were drop-dead gorgeous. A smokin' hot babe, with luscious (H/C) hair that bounced when you walked, beautiful (E/C) eyes that shone with a spark of sass in them, soft-looking (S/C) skin that made him want to reach out and caress it. And don't get him started on your body. Gorgeous curves, hips that swayed teasingly as you walked with confidence. A confidence he found absolutely sexy. 

And you seemed to be just like him. Snappy, sassy, sexy. His three main S's. Man, he couldn't believe how much you affected him, even right after you both just met, too. Shaking his head in amusement, he thought back to when he opened the door of the lair, showing you that you were, in fact, in the sewers.

You turned to him incredulously, not saying anything for a moment. Your silence made him think you were judging him and where he lived, so he went on the defensive.

"What?" He snapped at your look. You blinked at him, looking back in the lair once before turning back to the sewers opening.

"How the hell did you guys make living in a shit-hole look!" 

Your question took him by surprise, it certainly wasn't what he was expecting to come out of your mouth. After processing your words, he started to chuckle.

"Let's just go."

For how you two had gotten at each other's throats back at the lair, he was surprised the trip back to your place was so quiet. He pegged it as your being sick, the thought making him turn to you quickly.

"'Ey, you feelin' okay?" He asked awkwardly, he wasn't used to openly caring about things. It made him feel weird. Startled, you looked up from your staring contest with the ground to meet his eyes.

"Uh, yeah? Pretty sure the spots in my vision went away a little ways back," you replied teasingly. Upon seeing his panicked look, you quickly rested your hand on his arm. "Hey, calm down, big guy. I was just kidding."

Sighing in relief, Raph deflated. "Good, I ain't no good with the whole doctor thing. Woulda had ta call Don over 'ere." His response had you letting out a small laugh. His eyes traced your face, remembering how you look when you laugh, even if it was a small one. Your laugh was certainly something he wanted to hear again, he decided. 

Damn, this girl is gonna be the end o' me.

Returning to gazing down at the ground as you walked, your thoughts drifted to the turtle next to you. The one that seemed to ooze confidence, the one that you unconsciously walked closer to, just to get closer to his warmth. Glancing up for a quick second, you saw that he was staring ahead of you intensely, and you briefly wondered what was on his mind that he was thinking so hard about.

Raph was, for a lack of a better word, masculine. And not just on the outside, but he was that, too. Very masculine on the outside indeed. But he was also masculine in the way he did things. His voice, rough yet smooth, something you didn't mind listening to, no matter if he was yelling at you or not. The way he cares, seeming as if he doesn't want to, but he does. His eyes, the golden-amber irises holding a rough edge around them. Raph seemed to be a bit rough around the edges, but it only made you more and more curious about the person he was underneath all that edge. 

Being around him made you feel safe, protected. You had no doubt in your mind that no one could get past those big muscles of his, and it made you want to stick by his side. You didn't want to feel this way, though. No way. You had just met

Just what am I getting myself into?

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