An Unlikely Situation - Leo

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Murmuring. All around you. 

A pain in your head. Headaches sucked. You needed to get up and get some aspirin.

You slowly opened your eyes, your vision blurry but quickly clearing.

Wait, where were you? This wasn't your apartment. Weird.

You looked around the place you were in. An infirmary? No, it was also a lab. There was a multitude of trinkets laying on the table nearer the corner. The lights in the room were dimmed, so you couldn't see much. But what you could see make you wonder. Okayyy? 

You slowly stood from the makeshift cot you were laying on, trying to ease the pain in your head by rubbing your temples. You froze when your middle finger brushed against...stitches? How did I get stitches?

That's when it all came rushing back to you. The Purple Dragons. The girl. Fighting. That turtle guy. I had a head injury. It all made sense to you now.

But it still didn't answer the question of where you were now.

So you trudged your way out of the infirmary-lab, leaning against the doorway and peering out into a common room area? Looked like it. It's so bright in there, wow. You squinted your eyes.

This place was made of stone bricks. There was a TV over to your right, a couch placed in front of it, and behind the couch was a walkway that led to a gigantic computer. Cool. Raising your head, you noticed there was a second story to this den type place. 

You looked around. No one. Great. I'm left to try and get home all by myself then. Awesome. You slowly made your way over to the couch, figuring it would be more comfortable than that cot was.

Stopping beside the couch, you were met with a sight that you weren't expecting but didn't shock you. It's another one of those turtle things! Weird. This one has an orange mask, not a blue one. 

You shielded your eyes from the brightness of the TV with one hand, the other hand laying on the arm of the couch, the slight brushing noise it made breaking this orange-clad turtle out of the trance the TV had put him in. He looked over at you, staring at you in surprise for a moment, before breaking out into a large smile.

"GUYS! SHE'S AWAKE!" He yelled, making you wince at how the loud noise seemed to echo in your pounding head. He stood to his feet, bouncing over to you.

"Hi! I'm Mikey!" He told you in what seemed to you to be too loud of a voice. You offered him a weak smile in return.

"Mikey, get out of her face. Don't you remember? I told you she would probably wake up with a massive headache due to the force she was hit in the head with," a voice from behind you spoke up. This voice was gentler, more quiet, so you turned to it in relief, hoping for some answers.

There stood three turtles, one of which was the blue-clad turtle that saved you in that alleyway, and a walking rat. Maybe you would've been affected by the rat if your head wasn't threatening to fall off your body at this very moment. You smiled in relief at these new visitors.

"Hi," you said quietly, "um, do you have Ibuprofen?" Your voice was so quiet, you feared that they wouldn't hear you, but the purple-clad one stepped forward with his hand outstretched to you.

"Here, I figured that if you woke up you would want some," he smiled gently at you. You took the proffered pills and went to go find a glass of water to take them with, even though you had no idea how to navigate this place.

"Here, also figured you'd need a glass of water to wash that down," your blue-clad hero said, holding out a glass to you. Man, these guys are mind-readers.

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