The More You Know - Raph

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Warning: mentions of past abuse

Luck was on your side that night it seemed, because when you and Raph had made it above ground, you just so happened to surface right next to your apartment building. Nudging Raph with an elbow, you pointed up to the window at the top floor. 

"That one's me, come on!" You raced over to the fire escape to grab the ladder only to be grabbed around the waist by two muscular green arms, shifting you to hold you bridal style. And next thing you knew, you were practically flying up to your bedroom window, Raph above you muttering something about "idiot, shouldn't be runnin' around with a fever, gonna get yerself even more sick." Aw. He cared. How cute.

Now standing on your fire escape, Raph placed you gently on your feet, allowing you to walk over and open the window. You quickly ushered Raph in before you, shutting the window tightly and making sure it was locked behind you. As you worked to close the curtains so absolutely no one would be able to peek inside, Raph surveyed your bedroom unashamedly. The room seemed He smirked to himself seeing multiple pairs of slippers lined up near your closet door, ranging from unicorns to bunnies to pandas and more. Cute, he thought.

Finished with your mini mission with the curtains, you turned to Raph with your hands on your hips, "Okay! Done. I'm ready to give you the mini tour."

"'Mini tour'?" Raph questioned. You walked past him, giving him a good whiff of your scent and damn, if he wasn't already falling in love. He stood there in a daze as you turned to him, gesturing him to follow you.

"Yeah! It's kinda like a tour, except I don't show you around, I just tell you all the things in my apartment and you'll eventually have to find out where they are yourself. So just imagine it," you explained. Raph chuckled and shook his head at you, following you into the living room.

"So yeah, this is my living room. Kitchen is practically attached to it if you just look to your left. Bathroom's somewhere around here, annnd that's pretty much it? I guess? Wasn't as cool as it seemed in my head, but you get the point," you shrugged at him. He watched as you turned in a circle, spreading your arms out in a 'ta-da!' motion. He could already feel himself wanting to keep you all to himself, to protect you from anything that might hurt that bright smile of yours. He was slightly afraid of all that he was feeling all at one time, but then he took another look at those bright eyes of yours and he gave up on trying to shun those feelings. 

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. Now, Don said you should take a cold shower to, ya know, make the fever go down. So, uh, go do that," he waved you off with a little 'shoo' motion. You stuck your tongue out at him in response, his eyes watching it distractedly, but trudged your way to the bathroom anyway.

Sighing, Raph dragged a hand over his face before plopping down on your couch, the furniture item dipping considerably under his weight. He didn't know what he was going to do with you. His eyes roamed around your small but cozy living room, landing on your array of DVD's. Well, if she takes as long as April does in the shower, I should have time for at least one movie, he thought, and soon was making himself comfortable after popping in The Terminator.

It wasn't any longer than 30 minutes later that you were making your way into the living room, rubbing your hair with a towel, clad in a large over-sized gray sweatshirt hanging over mint green sleep shorts, your dragon slippers drawing attention to your feet. Raph gave you a quick once over, hoping you didn't see how he swallowed thickly, his tongue darting out to wet his suddenly-now-dry lips, a blush creeping its way up onto his cheeks. You looked beautiful. You had no makeup on, were dressed for bed, and still looked sickly, but you couldn't have looked more beautiful in that moment to him. You could make anything look good in his eyes. He cleared his throat, drawing your attention to him.

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