The More You Know - Mikey

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"Up we go," Mikey said as he lifted you out of the manhole. You had insisted that you could get out yourself, but Mikey argued that "a lady such as yourself shouldn't have to lift herself." Uh, okay?

You peered around you, acknowledging which street you were on before turning back to Mikey. "My apartment is a couple blocks that way," you pointed to your left. He flashed you a grin and a quick nod before scooping you up in his arms and making his way to the rooftop of the apartment building next to you. 

Scrambling for purchase, you wrapped your arms around Mikey's neck before peering down at the ground below you. Woah. New form of transportation has been discovered: Turtle Express

Above you, Mikey whooped as he leaped across the rooftops to your apartment building. His glee ignited an amusing sense of weightlessness in you as you both sailed through the air, laughs spilling out of your mouth. Totally. Awesome.

The adventure was short-lived, as soon you both were landing softly on your building and Mieky was setting you gently on your feet once again. You walked over to the edge of the rooftop, starting to climb onto the fire escape. 

"I'm right below us, come on!" You waved him over, and he quickly followed your lead. Standing before your bedroom window, you hefted it open with a grunt--goodness, this window's heavy--before gesturing him inside before you. You scurried in after him, locking the window shut behind you and closing the curtains. 

You turned to Mikey. "Well, this is mi casa! Welcome! Let me give you the grand tour." Walking ahead of him, you waved for him to follow but was stopped by a hand on your shoulder. Looking back at him, you were met with nervous baby blues.

"Uh, maybe I shouldn't. I don't think your parents would like it if you were walking around the house with a giant turtle behind you," he shrugged. You 'pfft'ed at him and shook your head.

"It's okay, Mikey, my mom's not around," you smiled, hoping he wouldn't ask where she was.

"But what if she comes home while I'm here? I could be hanging out in your livin-," you raised a hand to stop him.

"Trust me, Mike. She's not gonna come home."

"But how do you know?" 

"I just do, okay!" You didn't mean to snap, you really didn't. It just kind of happened whenever people questioned too much about your mom. And the guilt you felt weighed a bit heavier on your heart when you saw Mikey flinch away from you, sadness in his eyes.

You sighed. Well, here goes. "Look, Mikey. I'm sorry. I really am. But I know my mom's not coming home. She, uh, isn't around much anymore. She," you sighed heavier this time, dragging a hand down your face, the feelings of hurt finally getting to you now that you had to speak about it, "she's a major drug addict? Heh, um, yeah, she started some time ago. She stopped paying attention to anything but her drugs, she started spending all our money on her drugs. She- kinda left? Like, not really left, but she left. You know? She still shows up here sometimes, but it's probably not for an hour before she's gone. Gone back to her crackhouse. Back to her drug buddies. I haven't seen her in a couple days, and I doubt she's gonna randomly show up now. So! We can wander around the house as much as we like!" You grinned tightly, hoping he would let this go and let you show him around the apartment with no more questions. But based on the pitying look that grew in his eyes, you doubted that would happen.

He opened his mouth, but you cut him off, not wanting his pitying words, "I'm doing fine, though! Like, look at me. I'm thriving! Really. Things are good." You hoped he could hear the implied please just let it go please don't I don't want your pity just act like things were before please please-

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