While at the Lair - Raph

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Truth be told, after you got back to the lair you really didn't remember the days passing. You spent the duration of your stay there on their couch, all bundled up in blankets-ha, told you you'd have blankets, Raph-and sleeping the days away. The only times you seemed to be awake were when Don woke you up occasionally to check your temperature or to eat some food, or when Mikey was playing a video game just a tad too loud and you awoke for a split second to grumble at him about it.

Your impromptu hibernation cut your interactions with the turtle family pretty short. You interacted most with Don, of course, seeing as how he was your doctor and the one to always check on you. He was always gentle and kind with you, even when you would get angry at him for waking you up and mumble out a few swears at him. He always seemed to take it in stride, and when you would apologize afterwards would only reply with, "Don't worry, I've had to deal with Raph when he was sick. Your reactions are like rainbows and puppies compared to his." You never asked what he meant by that.

The other turtle you interacted the most with was Mikey. He was usually playing a game or watching a movie whenever you would be woken up for a meal or to have your temperature taken, and you would always ask him questions like what are you watching or what game are you playing or, occasionally, would you move over a bit you're a better door than a window. It's gotten to the point where whenever Don would wake you up, you noticed Mikey would automatically move a little ways out of your way so you can see the screen. It was a peaceful routine, you were never bored when you awoke. 

You didn't see much of Leo or Raph. Then again, you never went looking either. Even if you would wonder where they were when you were awake, you were perfectly content to not move from your safe cocoon of blankets and warm spot on the couch. 

Sometimes you did spot them, though. It would be out of the corner of your eye, and neither of them ever stayed for a chat, but you did, in fact, see them. And you counted that as a personal accomplishment. 

It was probably the second or third day that you were there, and Don had indeed forewarned you that no matter how much medicine I give you, this sickness will get worse before it gets better, and you now knew what he meant based on the obvious spike in your fever. 

Everything was so hot! God, it was like you were on fire

Don had checked on you some time ago, and as you moaned to him about how you were dying, he just shook his head at you, put a cold rag on your forehead, and told you that you were gonna have to ride it out from here. Then he left! He left you to just fend for yourself in your time of need-

Ugh. Can't fucking send a turtle to do my job. The nerve.

You didn't know how much time had passed, with you drifting in and out of consciousness, but all you knew was when you fully woke up next, you were burning and sticky and the air in here was so hot-

You groaned miserably, working your legs to kick the thousands of blankets off of you, and were wholly unprepared for the body you hit.

"Ow! 'Ey, watch where yer swingin' that thing!"

Huh? Blearily, you blinked at the end of the couch, where your feet had wildly been fighting blanket foe, and found a blob of green where there usually wasn't. 

"Huh?" You voiced out loud while you slowly rubbed the sleep out of your eyes to see clearly, even though it was obvious by the voice that the turtle was Raph. 

"I said: watch where yer swingin' those feet o' yers," he snapped at you. Hm, he thinks he can snap at me? I'll get this asshole sick with a single sneeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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