Thinking Time - Leo

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As you and Leo made your way through the sewers, he began to get lost in his thoughts. He smiled, remembering your reaction when you realized that you had been in the sewers this entire time.

Leo opened the door to the sewers, gesturing you to continue forward. You scrunched your nose, looking at him.

"What's that smell?" You asked, holding your nose while you cringed.

"Uh, we're in the sewers?" Leo told you, hoping you wouldn't freak out too much. Instead, you just let your tongue hang out from your mouth in disgust.

"Yuck, they really need to make sewer air fresheners or something...," and with that, you continued forward. No other complaints. You soldiered through it, acting as if the smell surrounding you didn't bother you.

Leo smiled to himself at the memory. Very unpredictable, you were indeed.

Glancing at you on his right, he couldn't help but study your features. You were beautiful, painstakingly so. Sparkling (E/C) eyes that brightened when you smiled, gorgeous (H/L) (H/C) hair that swayed with each step you took. And damn, your smile did something to him. Something that it shouldn't, since you guys technically just met a handful of minutes ago. Your skin seemed to glow in the moonlight that some of the grates gave you two. 

You walked with a confidence that not many people seemed to have. Your hips swayed sensually with every step you took, though you didn't mean to do it. That made it all the more beautiful. You had curves in all the right places, they made him want to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. 

Noticing he was staring at you, you glanced up at him, locking his gaze with yours. "Um," you blushed sheepishly, "do I have something on my face or something?" You giggled slightly, bringing your hands up to rub against your face jokingly. 

God, that giggle. Sounded like bells chiming in Leo's ears. He wanted to hear you giggle more often, making him distinctly wonder how beautiful your laugh would sound. God, what is this girl doing to me?

Instead, he smiled down at you. "No, no, I was just thinking."

"Oh, okay," you smiled up at him, glancing at your feet nervously.

While Leo was deep in thought about you, you were also deep in thought about him. Except, you did this more discreetly, of course. Which meant not staring at him while doing it.

See, Leo had this air about him that just screamed 'confidence, masculinity, control.' It made you want to learn more about him, get close to him. He radiated a type of warmth you had never felt before from anyone, not your family, not your friends, none of your old boyfriends. No one. It piqued your curiosity. It made you want to stay by his side, wrapped in his strong arms, never having to leave that comforting space. You were slightly intimidated by this, though. By him. And why wouldn't you be?

Leo stood tall and proud at six feet tall, built more than anyone you've ever known. His piercing chocolate brown eyes made you want to melt every time you locked eyes, which seemed weird to you since you two had literally just met. Not to mention his smile. He's only given you small smiles at this point, but you would be lying if you said they didn't do something to you. All he had to do was flash one of those and you would do whatever he asked. His deep, velvety voice. God, you could listen to it all day. 

You had never had this type of attraction to someone before. To anyone, really. And the fact that you were already feeling this way about Leo upon the first meeting slightly scared you, yet thrilled you as well. Part of you wanted to chase that feeling, see where it would lead. The other part wanted to pull away, close yourself off from getting any closer to this turtle who made you weak in the knees just with a single look.

God, what is this turtle doing to me?

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