On That Fateful Night - Don

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Boy, did you feel great.

You were free now, having graduated school about 8 months ago at 17. It wasn't that you were overly smart, you were just put in school a year before you should've been so that meant you also graduated a year before you should. But damn did it feel good.

You weren't sure about college yet. Things were a little too busy right now to be worrying about it, so you didn't. You had to start saving up if you chose to go, though. Living on your own helps that. You didn't need to pay for anyone other than yourself. 

You had gotten emancipated at 16, living in a neglectful household just wasn't it for you. So you took initiative and got yourself emancipated. You took care of yourself, took yourself to school, got yourself a job to pay rent for the apartment you currently lived in. Everything was good.

You were currently strolling down New York City sidewalks, head hidden under the hood of your sweatshirt to ward off the cold when you heard a clang come from a couple alleys ahead of you. You became curious, you couldn't help it. Curiosity always flowed through your veins. Maybe it was written in your DNA coding, who really knows. You never dwelled on it too much. So you hurried towards the alleyway, hoping that whatever made that noise was still there.

What was that saying, 'curiosity killed the cat'?

Well, maybe you were the cat in this instance.

Because when you stumbled to a stop--sliding slightly because of the ice that was on the ground--in front of the alleyway, what you saw made you pause.

Three, um, ninjas? Were they? Men clad in all black holding weapons, probably ninjas for sure. They all stood surrounding something in the middle of all of them, but they were blocking your view of what is was exactly that they were ganging up on. 

Well, you were the cat for a reason.

"Hey!" You yelled. All three of them whipped around to look at you, which gave you a slight glimpse of the person-thing?-that was on the ground in front of them. Again, you paused at the sight. Because there was no way a green person was on the ground, people weren't green. So what was it? You were determined to find out. 

"Get away from him! Now!" Honestly you had no idea if it was a he, but you took a wild guess. Your yelling appeared to be in vain, though, when none of the ninjas moved from their positions. In fact, they started turning away from you back to the green guy.

If there's one thing you hated, it was being ignored.

So you took off towards them. You had absolutely no clue how to fight, but you could try? So your first move was what any sensible person would've tried: jumping on one of the men's backs. But the guys seemed to sense what was coming, and they all three moved away from your oncoming tackle, which resulted in you tackling air instead. You hit the ground with an 'oof!' and quickly rolled around to see where they went. 

Well, now they were surrounding both the guy and you now. Go you. Great plan. Speaking of the guy...

You turned your head around to see what it really was that they were cornering, and awed. The guy really was green. Except, it didn't look like he was a guy at all. He had a turtle shell on his back-must be a turtle-with two toes on the feet of the muscular legs that were stretched out gingerly to the side of him, three fingers on each hand, one of which was holding a-stick? Could've sworn I've seen that kind of stick before. He adorned a purple-bandanna covering his eyes. Hm. Wow. Never thought you would've ever bumped into this guy, let alone three ninjas. 

The turtle guy looked hurt, though, wincing in pain every time he twitched a muscle. You weren't going to let the ninjas hurt him anymore. You started improvising a plan.

"Hey, I'll distract them. You try and get away, okay?" You whispered quietly at him as you slowly stood up. The turtle only barely acknowledged your command, simply flicking his eyes up to you in confusion. 

You stood tall before the ninjas, even though inside you totally knew you were about to get your ass handed to you. "You guys leave him alone! You're not gonna touch him, not unless you wanna go through me!" Oh God, you were gonna die.

The ninjas heeded your offer, not hesitating to dart towards you. Oh yeah, so gonna die. You flinched and put your fists up weakly, already thinking of the loads of pain you were about to go through, but it never came.

You heard a strangled groan, and opened your eyes to see the same turtle you were trying to protect standing in front of you, protecting you.

Okay, so much for "try and get away."

The turtle was doing a good job so far, for someone who had injuries himself. He wouldn't move from his position in front of you, holding his side while swinging his stick to knock a guy away weakly. 

"Hey, you need to leave! You're hurt! I'll be fine!" You hurriedly whispered in his ear--or what you hoped was his ear. He didn't seem to acknowledge you, though, still batting away the ninjas weapons while trying to catch his breath. 

"Don!" You heard from above. You glanced at the sky to see three more turtle guys jumping down from the roof.

Don? Was that this turtle's name? You looked back at the turtle to see him smiling in relief at his buddies, but what you saw that he didn't was the oncoming knife aiming towards his stomach.

"Hey, move!" You pushed the turtle out of the way, the turtle letting out a cry of pain that made you feel a brief moment of guilt, but all that was pushed away when the knife was plunged into your stomach, and you realized that the pain he must've felt when you pushed him would've been 10x worse had he been hit with the knife instead. 

The ninja looked at you for a brief moment and, seeing that you were not the intended target, quickly retrieved his knife back from within you-hurt like a bitch, holy shit-and ordered with some weird eye-voodoo trick thing his other buddies to retreat. Good. Maybe you scared them off.

"Don!" The three turtles that had joined the fight not too long ago shouted in relief, hurrying over to the side of the turtle that you had pushed out of the way of the oncoming blade. You could see that he was relatively unharmed, other than having the injuries he already had, but it didn't seem like he gained anymore. That's good. You let yourself deflate in relief, and now that the tension had finally left your bones, you really started feeling the wound in your stomach.

You clutched your stomach and groaned, dropping to your knees on the ground. You honestly had no idea how you got yourself into this mess, or how you would get yourself out of it, seeing as the turtles probably didn't trust you given the fact that at hearing your groan, they whipped around in your direction, weapons in their hands at ready. They quickly lowered them, though, seeing the blood that was oozing onto the ground beneath you, the injury hidden by your arms around your torso.

You stared at the ground, taking deep, shaky breaths to try to calm your heart rate down. You needed to focus, how were you supposed to make your way to the hospital like this? Your phone was at your house, charging. Typical. The only time you decide to leave it there for just a quick stroll around town is the same night you decide to go and get yourself stabbed. How ironic. 

In your peripheral vision, you saw four pairs of feet slowly making their way towards you. Distracted from leveling your breathing, you weakly looked up at them. The purple-banded turtle-Don. Don's his name-being supported by a red-banded turtle. The blue-banded one kneeled before you, waving his hand-three fingers. Just like Don-in front of your eyes.

"Hello, miss? Are you alright? You're bleeding," he said. You had half a mind to try and tell him yeah no shit Sherlock but didn't. You didn't have enough energy to be snappy. Not when you were bleeding out onto the pavement. Instead, you turned your head to the now more-fully-conscious Don. 

"You...alright?" You weakly got out. Damn, talking like this sucked. 

"Yeah...yeah, I'll be alright," Don assured you. You weakly smiled in relief. As long as he was okay.

"Oh...good," you whispered, swaying forward. Arms encircled around your shoulders, you guessed it was the turtle that was sitting in front of you before, the blue-banded one. 

Your vision started fading in and out, your last thought being what a hell of a night before your world fully went black.

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