On That Fateful Night - Raph

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It was official.

You were starving. And cold.

Now, normally you would be curled up in a blanket at your apartment eating whatever you wanted, but tonight was different. You were babysitting.

You babysat as a job. Not really that great, unless you were you and having been babysitting for the past year and a half have gained a reputation of "best babysitter."

Which you didn't think you were. Kids pissed you off.

But that reputation got you places. Families with higher incomes started calling you, offering up all kinds of offers. 20 bucks an hour. 30 bucks an hour. There was even a family that offered you $45 an hour. 

Man, New York City is the bomb.

But the thing is, you usually weren't home until late at night. You babysat nonstop during the day, having dropped out of high school and running away from home at 16. Yeah, a great home life you had indeed.

You were an only child, having grown up with abusive parents who weren't ready to be parents when it happened. You hated it. You had no friends, always being kept at home and not being able to have anyone over. You first got a job at 15. Can you guess what it was?

Yeah. Babysitting.

The pay and the hours you got babysitting over in your city home in Maine did you well. You saved up quickly, since you didn't have anything or anyone to spend it on but yourself. 

At 16 you made the decision to leave your home. That also meant leaving school, which was fine with you. You had no one keeping you there. And by not going to school, you could start babysitting in the mornings as well. So, you packed up your bags. Said "peace out" to your home. Left. And that was that. Your parents haven't sent out a "Missing Persons" report, which was probably because the moment they did you would confess all that they put you through up until 16, and that was practically suicide for them. They knew they would get put away for a long time if anyone knew, so they wouldn't let anyone find out. Or maybe they just didn't care. Oh well. You stopped caring once you started looking for a way to get far away from there. The money you had saved up included enough to get you all the way to New York City and that was where you decided to stay.

And you don't regret any of it. You managed to rent an apartment with the rest of the money you saved up, then busted your ass to start babysitting all the time so you wouldn't lose the apartment. 

So far you've done good. Everything was good. 

Until tonight. Where you've probably met the most bratty kid ever, Ryker.

You wanted to stay inside, eating and watching movies that he would enjoy so he would fall asleep. He wanted to go outside, walk around town, and play in the snow. 

When you tried to argue with him on the matter, you quickly realized your mistake when he started screaming. Loudly.


"FINE! Fine! We'll go outside and do whatever. Just- shut up, okay?"


You shook your head exasperatedly. You can't believe you let him walk all over you like that. Maybe it was because of the raging headache you could feel pounding behind your eyes. But oh well. You were only with him for another 20 minutes, you could deal.

Around the 10 minute mark, you started steering Ryker home, ignoring his cries and telling him that his parents would be returning soon, which made him brighten up fairly quick. Almost as soon as you stepped back in the house, his parents pulled up. You quickly picked up your money then darted out of there. There was warmth and food calling for you back at your apartment.

You counted your money on the way home. Awesome! 330 bucks! Dealing with Ryker seemed totally worth it now, you would gladly do it again if it meant you would get paid this much every time. You checked the time. Holy shit, it was almost 1 in the morning! Damn, you really should've fought Ryker harder on going to bed.

Exhaustion quickly set into your bones. You were so tired. You had been babysitting since 5 this morning, and even if the pay was fantastic, it really didn't leave you with much resting time in between. You reminded yourself to take some medicine before bed. There was no way you were waking up with a headache when you had to deal with kids all day again. You let out a wide yawn. Man, you needed some sleep.

Working your way into your apartment was no problem, no matter how tired or hurting you were. Probably muscle memory or something like that. But you dismissed the matter as you kicked off your shoes and peeled off your coat. You were so ready to sleep.

You trudged your way into your room, peeling off cold layer after cold layer and changing into your warm pajamas, which consisted of a black tank top and red Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer pajama pants. Hey, it was winter so no one could judge you for it. They were warm.

As you flicked off the light and wiggled under the covers, finally ready to hit dream-land like a freight train, your dozing was quickly interrupted by...grunting? Laughing? Who the hell is having fun on a rooftop at this time of night? 

You tried ignoring it. Tried everything. Plugging your ears. Putting a pillow over your head. None of it seemed to drown out the constant noise of people up on your rooftop.

That's it, you thought, ripping the comforter off of you, these guys are gonna have hell to pay. You found your pair of gray kitten slippers--again, no one can judge you. It's winter. You're trying to stay warm here--and opened up your window to make your way onto the fire escape.

Outside only seemed to intensify the volume of the noises these guys were making. And you were about to put an end to it. Right. About. No-

What the fuck?

The people on your rooftop were not what you expected them to be. In fact, they weren't even people. At least you didn't think so. You quickly took notice of their appearance, quickly seeing differences from normal people. Shells, green, two toes?, colored bandannas, weapons?, three fingers? Shells...turtles. They're turtles. Your mind told you. But at this point you couldn't bring yourself to care what they looked like because you had to be up in about 4 hours and so all you wanted to do was sleep and they were stopping you from doing so

"Hey! Would you mind keeping it down up here?! I'm trying to sleep!" You yelled, crossing your arms at the terrapins that seemed to have frozen in shock at your arrival. 

After a moment of silence, your anger quickly grew. "Well? Answer me! Will you keep it down?" You huffed. Each of them were looking back and forth at one another while you started feeling the harsh cold of winter setting in-why didn't I grab a coat before I came up here? You rubbed your bare arms, now hyper-aware that you were wearing a tank top. 

The one with a purple colored bandanna quickly stepped forward. "Um, sorry, miss. We didn't mean to disturb you." That set you off.

"Yeah, well, you did! And I don't wanna hear any more of it! I'm not the only one trying to sleep!" Apparently your anger set of the red-banded turtle's anger also.

"Hey, look, lady! We said we're sorry, so why don't ya just head on down to your cozy warm bed and-" you cut him off with a harsh cough. The purple-banded one once again stepped closer.

"Miss, are you okay? You look a littl-" you cut him off as well, this time with an intentional wave of your arm.

"I'm fine! I don't need your concern," you sneezed, "what I need is for you guys to shut the hell up so I can get some sleep!" You coughed again. 

None of them answered, the orange- and purple-banded ones staring at you in concern, the red-banded one glaring at you hatefully-yeah, well, he can stuff it-and the blue-banded one seeming to be studying you.

"Fine, whatever. Don't answer me. Just knock off this fucking noise. I'm leaving," you spun around to head back down, but maybe you overestimated your spin, because you didn't stop. Or maybe you did stop and it was the world that kept spinning. Well, it didn't matter. What did matter was that you were falling, about to hit the rooftop, hard, but then you heard a shout and felt arms envelope your waist.

Everything went black. 

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