An Unlikely Situation - Raph

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Ugh, I feel like shit. 

Your first thought as you woke up from what could've been the best sleep you've had for a while. In fact, maybe it felt a little too great. It shouldn't feel this good after only having gotten four hours.

You cracked open your eyes a little, allowing them to adjust to the light of the room you were currently in. A room that...didn't look like anywhere inside your house. What?

You slowly raised your head. You weren't in your house. You were laying on the couch inside a brick building. There's no way it's a building. There's no windows. You had no idea where you were.

You sat up, a blanket that you didn't realize was there falling off of you. There was a TV in front of you. You looked behind the couch to see a walkway leading to some big screen. There was a keyboard underneath it, so you figured it must be some gigantic computer screen. 

"Ah, you're awake," a voice interrupted your sightseeing. You turned to see a short gray rat walking towards you, his cane clicking on the ground faintly. He was followed by-

"Hey! You guys are the assholes who wouldn't stop making noise up on my roof while I was trying to sleep!" You pointed at them. You still hadn't forgotten about the rough time you had trying to fall asleep while they were making a ruckus up on the roof of your building.

"Well, we're also the assholes that brought ya down here so you could get taken care of!" The red-banded one snapped right back at you. Down here? What does he mean by "down here"? And "taken care of"? Excuse me? 

"Um, I'll have you know that I don't need anyone to take care of me, let alone you!" You griped, crossing your arms over your chest. Neither of you broke eye contact, neither one willing to back down from the obvious challenge the other possessed. Your attention was taken off of him when the Purple stepped forward, though.

 "Actually, you do. You have a fever running at about 102 degrees. Any more stress you would've put on your body would've made your temperature rise and your fever would've become deadly. We're lucky we caught it when we did," Purple informed you. Fever? What's he talking about?

"I don't have a fever," you tried arguing. You knew it was useless, why else would you have collapsed?

"Yeah, ya do. Deal with it," Red grumbled at you. You would've argued back at him until you remembered something.

"Wait, what time is it?" You glanced between the turtles and the rat. 

Blue spoke up. "Um, around 8 o'clock?" 

His answer had you ripping the blanket off of your legs, quickly standing up and hurrying over to them, trying not to sway at the blood that rushed to your head at having gotten up too fast.

"Are you serious?! You're kidding me, right?! Tell me you're kidding!" You shouted in Blue's face, which made Red get in yours.

"We ain't lyin'! Not our fault you sleep like a log," he insulted you. You took no heed of his words, though. You were too busy panicking.

"Shit, shit, shit! It can't be 8! No, no, no, no," you paced, holding your head. This couldn't be happening. You were about 3 hours late to your babysitting shift. You're never late. Not to your job. Well, there goes my "best babysitter" reputation.

"Young one, why does the time displease you?" The rat asked you, putting a hand on your arm to calm your nerves. To your surprise, his touch actually did calm you down enough for you to think straight.

You took a deep breath. "I was supposed to babysit at 5." You needed them to realize your situation, but none of them were fazed.

"So? Dude, you're sick. How would that have worked?" Orange questioned, making you pause. How would it have worked? You being sick only would've gotten the kid sick as well, which wouldn't have ended with happy parents.

"You're right," you sighed, "but I should still go get my phone from my apartment to text Mrs. Ryland to explain to her why I'm not there. I owe her an explanation as to why I'm not there, which probably made her miss work."

"No way! You're not leaving here until you're healthy! You shouldn't be going back out in the cold when you're this sick," Purple was quick to object, but you weren't having it.

"Look, I need to text Mrs. Ryland and since I don't exactly trust any of you in my apartment, I'm going to get it, whether you like it or not. Give me directions and I'll come right back down here afterwards, but you can't stop me from going," you crossed your arms over your chest once again, proving to them that you would be standing firm on this. 

The rat sighed. "You may go, but take Raphael with you." Red-Raphael-whipped his head towards the rat.

"What?! You're makin' me go? Why?!" He yelled. Though you may have a problem with his attitude, you didn't care who went with you as long as you got to go, too.

"Because Raphael, it seems that you and Miss...," the rat looked at you, and that's when you realized you haven't given them your name yet, for how long you've been there you should've.

"(Y/N)," you said.

"You and Miss (Y/N) have some problems with each other that you both need to overcome if she is to be staying with us for the next few days," the rat finished. Blue, Orange, and Purple all snickered at Raphael while he growled.

"Look, would you just stop arguing so we can go-," Raphael cut you off with a wave of his arm.

"You shut it! Not everything has to be about texting Mrs. Ryland, you know!" He growled at you. Your hackles raised, but you didn't have time for a petty fight like usual.

"You only arguing with me is only proving his point, so would you stuff it and we can get a move on?!" You shot back. Raphael-wow, is there any way to shorten that?-paused before he huffed angrily.

"Fine," he grumbled. You nodded in thanks and extended your arm in a sweeping gesture.

"Then lead the way."

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