While at the Lair - Leo

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During the couple days you spent recovering from your concussion at the lair, you sat back and observed. Observed how your savior and his family spent their time here underground.

Not the most entertaining thing to do, but you were bored. Watching paint dry sounded fun to you at that point.

The first thing you'd noticed is that Master Splinter rarely hung around in the common room area. Frankly, you had no idea where he went, and even after a little snooping still couldn't pinpoint where he spent most of his time. He did show up whenever he was needed, though. He seemed to have some sort of sixth sense for when he was wanted, and you weren't gonna try to hurt your brain trying to figure out how. 

The next thing you noticed was about your savior himself. Even if he had brought you to your apartment to pick up a bag of clothes and had that little heart-to-heart with you about your past, he tended to be a little closed-off when he was home. He was usually either in their dojo area, or his room. Well, with the exception of the kitchen when it was time to eat. He was always very polite with you when you did catch him long enough to talk. He was reserved in his actions, but he was very generous with his small, fond, god what is this turtle doing to me need to calm my heart rate ahem smiles. You always enjoyed your talks with him, even if they were scarce in his busy home.

Raphael was the most closed off of the four brothers. He kept to himself most of the time, usually letting Leo or Mikey or sometimes even Don handle interactions with you. You rarely saw him, and Leo settled the worry that you didn't know was showing on your face with a, "Don't worry about him. He's not all that open with new people. Trust me, he'll come around." His words put you at ease and settled the small feelings of rejection that you didn't even want to be there. Maybe it was because these guys were potential new friends--something you hadn't had in what seemed like quite a while--and you didn't want any harsh feelings to be in the way of having these guys in your life. 

Raph is the only one who really seemed to not want to be around you. Don? Very polite. Maybe awkward a bit at times, but you chalked that up to you still being new in their home. But he was kind in his actions towards you when he checked on your concussion every once in a while, and he seemed a little more enthusiastic when you asked about a project you spotted laying half-done on his desk a little ways away. Hey, just because you dropped out of school doesn't mean you still don't want to learn. Even if that isn't the type of learning you really needed.

Mikey was the turtle you got closest to the fastest. Not all that surprising, really. He had no restraint when he would get real close to you and ask if you wanted to play a video game with him, glancing around as if what he was asking you was some kind of secret. It always got a laugh out of you, though, as you would shake your head in exasperated fondness and give him your yes, Mikey, video games sounds fun. At this point, the words have become unspoken and Mikey would just continue asking you as an inside joke. It helped that he took pity on your literally-hasn't-played-anything-but-Mario-Kart-and-that's-as-extreme-as-you-get skill level and let you win a good few times. Of course, you had to play with the brightness at a dim and the volume on low due to Don's Mikey you better not blast that and prolong the recovery of her concussion because if you do you will have hell to pay warning.

Today was your second day of being at the lair, and you were playing probably your fourth game of the day-it was only noon lord help me-with Mikey before you were being called into Don's lab for your daily checkup. 

Putting down your controller, you patted Mikey's head with a small smile at his 'aww man we were in the middle of a game!'

"You know the drill," Don teased as you entered the lab. You gave him a cheeky smile and hoisted yourself onto the cot in the room.

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