An Unlikely Situation - Mikey

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You groaned as you awoke, bringing a hand to your head. Note to self: wear headgear next time I go sledding. 

You remembered the events of earlier clearly. Building the snowman, snowman falling down, going sledding with Mikey-hey, where is Mikey?

Looking around, you saw no Mikey in sight. In fact, you weren't even in Central Park. Instead, you were laying comfortably upon a soft cushion-y couch, the TV in front of you playing 'Central Intelligence' softly. You paid no attention to it, though, hearing soft words come from behind the couch. 

"Bros, I already said I was sorry! I didn't know what to do! I panicked! She was just laying there, I didn't know if she was okay!" A voice that sounded all-too familiar said. You chose not to speak up just yet.

"Mikey," a new voice sighed, "bringing her here was probably the worst thing you could've done. You said she didn't see you at Central Park, but now, here? She's gonna see all of us, know our secret. You know what her reaction's gonna be. It's gonna be like all the others. She's going to take one look at us and she's gonna take off." Take off? Why would I take off?

"Yeah, good goin', shell-for-brains. Now she's gonna go tellin' everyone she can, gonna get some mean cash offa us. We're gonna hafta move, again," another new voice, this one containing a heavy Brooklyn accent, snapped. Okay, this is getting offensive. I'm not mean. Why would I want cash off of them, anyway?

Twisting around where you sat, you peered over the back of the couch. And what you saw made you pause, look away, blink twice, then look again.

Oh. That's why.

What stood before you were giant, walking, talking turtles. Standing at maybe six feet tall, all clad with different colored bandannas to differentiate one from another. They each carried different weapons, and all were a different shade of green, all sporting shells on their backs. You distinctly wondered which one was Mikey, but dipped your head behind the couch to gather your thoughts.

Okay, so they're turtles. Who cares? It may be a bit freaky, but who cares. What was that thing Horton from Horton Hears a Who always said? "A person's a person, no matter how big or how small"? Something like that. Words to live by. I'm not gonna judge these guys. They're people, too. I just have to get back to breathing properly.

Taking a few deep breaths, you peered back over the couch only to find the turtles gone. Where'd they go? Looking around in confusion, your question was answered when a turtle landed in front of your face.

You couldn't help it. You screamed. Why wouldn't you? A turtle just fell from the sky! 

Your scream only caused a chain reaction. The turtle in front of you started screaming, three voices from behind you yelled "Mikey!", and your head started to pound. Bad. You heard the voices, though, and after you had stopped screaming to rub your temples, your eyebrows scrunched together confusedly.

"Wait, Mikey?" You asked, looking at the turtle in front of you. Before he had a chance to answer--barely even opening his mouth--the three other turtles you saw earlier landed in between you and Mikey, weapons out and pointed at you. You quickly raised your hands in surrender, not wanting to get poked with the swords the blue one was holding.

Blue shifted his attention onto Mikey, though his eyes stayed on you. "We heard you scream, you okay? Did she try anything?" 

"Oh, haha, nah, everything's good, bros. She just started screaming then I started screaming," Mikey, you were now certain it was him because of his voice, laughed at the situation. His brothers, however, didn't find it funny, sheathing their weapons and glaring at him.

"Mikey, we thought she was trying to hurt you. Don't scare us like that," the purple one scolded. You were slightly offended that they were talking about you as if you weren't there.

"Um, hello? I'm right here," you huffed at them. You were now over your initial shock of seeing them as turtles, now you just wanted answers. And some aspirin.

"Oh, yeah! Hey, dudette! Remember me? Mikey? From Central Park?" Mikey asked you as he walked around his brothers to get back in your face once more. This time, you didn't mind it, though. It allowed you to see that he was sporting some pretty baby blue eyes. The warmth in them made you feel at ease once more.

"Yeah, Mikey, I remember you," you smiled at him, making him grin even wider. 

"Awesome! Now, I know you probably have a ton of questions, but-,"

"Mikey, what happened after I hit my head?" You asked, cutting his ramble short. It was the one question you really wanted answered, how you ended up here, where you were exactly.

"Oh, you passed out and I panicked cuz you weren't moving so I brought you down here, so Don could fix you right up!" He gestured to the purple-banded turtle. Okay, so that was probably the turtle that knew why your head was hurting so bad.

"Um, Don? Is it?" You began wearily.

"Donatello. Don or Donnie for short, though, yeah."

Nodding, you continued, "Um, Don, why is my head hurting so bad? Do you know?" You were nervous to talk to any turtle that wasn't Mikey, the one who gave out free smiles and made you feel like you were welcomed here.

"Oh, well you must've hit your head pretty hard. You don't have a concussion, but you're gonna have a nasty bump for the next few days and probably a headache, too. Do you want some aspirin?" Don asked, already making his way somewhere behind the couch.

"That'd be awesome, thanks!" You called after him, letting him know you were grateful. Turning back to Mikey, you gave him a smile.

"So, Mike, could you tell me how you came to be?"

And that's how you learned everything. Them being pet turtles, falling in ooze, their father Master Splinter who was supposedly a rat finding them, them all mutating, being taught ninjutsu, all leading up to where they are now.

"Okay, so...Leonardo," you pointed at the blue-clad turtle, earning a nod, "Raphael," a grunt from the red turtle, "Donatello," a nod from the turtle who had returned sometime during the story with a glass of water and some painkillers, "and Michelangelo." You smiled at Mikey, who winked at you.

"You know it, baby!"

"And the only one I have yet to meet is...Master Splinter?" You asked, earning a few nods. You nodded thoughtfully to yourself. Hm, wonder how that's gonna go.

"Child." You jumped at the sound of another new voice behind you, the turtles in front of you now all bowing their heads. You turned in your seat and your eyes landed on a short, gray rat walking towards you, his walking cane clicking on the ground.

"You're Master Splinter?" You guessed. He nodded at you and took a seat in front of you.

"I see my sons have already told you the story of our origins. But I need to know. Will you keep our secret?" He gazed into your eyes, not looking away once. You maintained eye contact with him, slightly feeling as if this was some sort of staring contest.

"Yeah, yeah, you have my word. I'll keep your secret, I won't tell anyone," you replied earnestly.

After a moment went by with you two staring each other down, he nodded with a smile on his face. "I believe you."

You looked at Mikey confusedly, hoping you would get an answer as to what just happened.

"He says it's following his gut, trusting some people," he whispered to you. You 'ohhh'ed in realization.

" question: how am I gonna get home?" You asked the group around you.

"Oh! Oh! I'll walk you there, m'lady," Mikey jumped up, holding out an arm to you. Giggling, you put your arm in his and you both set off.

"Don't get lost," Raph called after you. You waved at him teasingly.

"I won't!"

"Nah, I was talkin' ta Mikey."

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