On That Fateful Night - Mikey

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You loved winter. You also hated it. Winter and you had a love-hate relationship. See, winter sucked because it was always cold. But winter was also awesome because it had-

"SNOW!" You yelled as you ran outside. Tiny snowflakes were falling from the sky-wow, look at all the little baby designs!, a charming display of how beautiful winter can really be. 

Snow was the best part of winter, in your opinion. So many things could be done with snow. Snow angels, sledding, building snowmen. The list was endless. 

Any passerby could see that you loved snow, the several snowmen in front of your apartment with your signature on each evidence enough. You had more than enough free time to make them, now that you didn't go to school.

You not going to school was completely not your choice. You loved school, mainly for the fact that you got to see your friends for eight hours every day. The homework was kind of a bust but seeing your favorite people, like, in the whole world made it all worth it.

But that quickly changed once your mother became a drug addict. At first everything was normal, but then you came home from your last day of school last year to your mother telling you that she couldn't pay for you to go to school anymore. You didn't know why at the time, but quickly figured it out when your mother would start disappearing for days on end, never announcing where she was going or how long she'd be gone. So one day, you followed her. Followed her all the way to the drug house she would crash at when she was leaving you home all alone. That's when you realized that she was spending all of your school money on drugs

You tried getting a summer job to pay for school, but quickly realized that it would take more than one job in the whole summer to pay even half the school's cost, since you now had to pay for your own food as well. So you decided to just accept your fate. Maybe the universe didn't want you to go to school and that's why this all happened. Who knows? You didn't dwell on it much. 

You kind of became independent once you realized your mother probably wouldn't be around that much. You learned how to cook, you do your own laundry, you work part-time at the pizzeria downtown. You didn't need your mother anymore. She obviously didn't need you either if she didn't hesitate to leave you, a 17-year old girl, home alone for as long as she pleased. 

So yeah. Since you were now in charge of yourself, you went out whenever you pleased. Not coming home sometimes, a slight hope in your heart that when you returned the next day your mother would be there, worrying about where you were and why you didn't come home last night. She never was, though. So you stopped trying to care about her or her feelings. You could go out for as long as you wanted and if she ended up having a problem with it, well she could take it up with you.

But you tried not to let the feelings of hurt distract you from the good in life. Pondering over it would just make it hurt worse and you didn't like being unhappy. So you didn't. Instead, you wondered about how tall you could make a snowman before it started falling.

So far you were at about six feet tall. And counting. It hasn't started swaying so you weren't going to stop piling more snow on it. 

"Woah! Nice snowman, dude!" You heard from behind you. You turned to see a guy dressed heavily in winter clothing strolling up to you with his head shoved far down into his scarf. Hm. He must be really cold

You beamed. "Thanks! I'm trying to see how tall I can get it before it starts falling. Wanna help?" Maybe asking for help building a snowman from a completely random stranger wasn't the smartest, but you put that thought on the back burner for now.

"Uh, I don't really know if I should," the guy started, shrugging his shoulders. You shook your head in disagreement to his statement.

"Dude, you totally should! You're the same height as it right now, so you'll have more reach than me once it gets too tall!" A plan was forming in your head at this point, thinking of all the ways you could have him be your snowman-building machine. You just hoped he'd agree.

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