Thinking Time - Don

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Don could remember thinking you were an angel, that night you saved him in that alleyway. Because there was simply no way a girl as beautiful as you would just- help him, you know? He's a giant, walking, talking turtle who carries around a weapon literally all the time. There was just no way!

So back at that alley, when he was drifting in and out of consciousness, he remembered thinking he was going to die. But then he blinked and- is that an angel? She's...beautiful. How gorgeous. Because one moment he was staring down ninjas and then the next? Some random girl was looking him in the eyes, telling him to run when he had the chance. You just couldn't be real.

But you were. And you only became even more gorgeous, standing up to ninjas that you knew you had no chance to win against just to save a mutant? It was like you were sent to him personally, from Heaven. 

His admiring of you had been cut short when you were getting rushed by the ninjas, he had to do something to help you. He knew you wouldn't last long against them, you knew you wouldn't last long against them. So he pushed aside his pain and planted himself in front of you, blocking attacks with his bo. 

And when you muttered in his ear? God, he was still wondering if he died and went to Heaven because your voice sounded like soft bells in his ear, a melody that he would've loved to listen to for the rest of his life. 

And then his brothers were shouting his name from the rooftop above him, and he was just so happy to see them, so eager to ask them if they could see you too because he still wasn't quite convinced you were real, that he lost sight of his surroundings. So when your voice sounded again, he was partially confused because why did you sound so panicked? What was going on? Why were your hands suddenly on him, shoving him with all your strength off to the side? 

You got hurt. Stabbed, with a butterfly knife that was meant for him. He was furious, how could anyone dare hurt someone so beautiful? So selfless? Unfortunately for him, he was unable to unload a world of hurt onto the asshole that hurt you, since he himself was still trying to stay conscious. But he made up for it by thinking tons of mean thoughts about the guy, planning to avenge you once he was fully healed.

He didn't want to take you to a regular hospital, afraid that they wouldn't handle you with the care you deserved, and also afraid that if they left you there, it would be the last he ever saw of you. It was selfish of him to think that, but he needed to know you would end up okay, and frankly, he didn't trust anyone other than himself to see to it that you would. It helped that Leo pointed out that Master Splinter would want to talk to you, anyway. 

So they brought you down to the lair, where Don patched you up with the gentleness of someone handling a newborn, and there they learned just a bit more about you. 

Well, obviously they knew the obvious about you, at least Don thought so; you were beautiful, with a smile that could brighten any room you walked into, your voice the same soft melody that graced his ears back in that alleyway. Your eyes, a twinkling (E/C) color that Don could get lost in forever, could pierce through anyone's tough exterior, a fact that was proven when you stood up to Raph in the lab. Don couldn't believe you had done so. It wasn't that he thought you couldn't, it's that you did it with no hesitation at all. Usually, people have a tough time standing up to giant turtles, afraid of being hurt by the weapons that were strapped to their shells or hips. But you? There was no spark of fear when you were telling Raph off, not a hint of possibly backing down. And it only made you that much more interesting to Don. It made him want to dig deeper, learn all that you were inside that gentle but firm mind of yours.

And now he was sitting next to you in the Battle Shell, driving the safest he's ever driven because he wouldn't want to cause a beautiful specimen such as yourself any more pain. He glanced at you on his right--seeing you leaning your head on the window, your eyebrows slightly furrowed--and he couldn't help but feel bad. It was his fault you got hurt, you took a hit that was meant for him. If he hadn't been distracted by the sight of his brothers, none of this would've happened. 

"Hey," he called gently, pulling you out of your thoughts, "are you doing okay?" 

His gentle question, paired with those warm, concerned chocolate brown eyes made you smile. He was too sweet. He didn't have to help you in that alleyway, could've taken off running when he had the chance, but he didn't. He stayed. Helped you. Even when he himself was hurting. That alone gave him all of your respect.

Don exuded a gentleness that called to you. You wanted to be wrapped up in it. Even being as close to him as you were right now, sitting about a foot or two apart in the Battle Shell, made you feel safe. There was just something about him. His calm, gentle voice. His warm, caring smile. His lean but still quite muscular figure. It eased every worry in your mind, made every bad thought go away. His presence put you at ease. You realized these feelings were coming on a bit too quick. You barely knew him, you two had just met. But that only meant you had more time to learn about this turtle that sat next to you, offering his care when he didn't need to.

Realizing he was still staring at you, waiting for an answer, you shook your head with a small smile. "Yeah, yeah, I'm doing fine."

"Are you sure? You're not in any pain, are you? Because I have a first aid kit in the back and I could-," 

"Don," you laid your hand on his arm gently, smiling at him softly, unaware that your touch sent sparks coursing through Don's veins, making him swallow thickly, "I'm fine. Trust me. It's sweet that you care, really. But I would tell you if I needed something, okay?"

Speaking around the lump in his throat, Don let out a hushed "okay."

Granting him with another heart-stopping smile, you pulled your hand off of his arm, leaving it cold and yearning for that warmth to come back. Settling back in your seat comfortably, you turned back to the window, Don watching you for a second longer before also turning back to the road, both of your guys's heads filled with nothing but each other. 

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