The More You Know - Don

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Having given him directions to your apartment, Don was soon parking the Battle Shell in the alley next to your apartment building. You moved to grasp the door handle so you could get out, but was stopped by Don snapping his fingers at you and going "ah, ah, no" before he got out, walking around the vehicle to open your door and hoist you into his strong ninjutsu-trained arms.

"Which one?" He asked as he turned around, eyeing all the windows on the side of the building. You pointed to the third window up, and he made his way up. You were mildly surprised by how fast he was moving, but gentle enough that he barely jostled your injury. 

"Okay, soo, there's a possbility that the window might be locked. Like, it could be unlocked or it could be locked. 50-50 chance here, 'cause sometimes I forget to lock it and sometimes I forget to unlock it, but I guess we'll find out," you rambled as Don set you on your feet on the fire escape. Don raised an eye ridge at you, chuckling softly. You were quite a unique one.

Putting your hands on the window, you pushed upwards annnd-aha! Window slid right open! You turned to Don excitedly, about to jump up and down in victory when Don held up a finger.

"If you open your stitches, I will see to it that once we get back to the lair, you will be strapped to a chair for the duration of your stay," he warned, and you turned back around to quickly but very carefully make your way inside, deciding Don wasn't one to mess with.

You turned towards Don, who was shutting the window, with your hands on your hips.

"Okay! Well, I'm gonna rinse off in the shower real quick, why don't you go chill in the living room or something?" You suggested.

"Living room? What about your parents?" Don asked, startled by the suggestion. Your smile tightened suspiciously at the edges, and even if the flash of emotion in your eyes had vanished as soon as it had come, Don caught it.

"Ah. You know. I got emancipated. My parents, uh, how to put this into words...they- gave up on parenting after a little while. Like, they had me, and they were all 'yay! a baby!' but then I grew up and they stopped wanting to take care of me but didn't want to give me up. So, uh, I kinda had to learn to make my own food, make sure I got to school, the works. And then I got a part-time job, went to court, got myself outta there. All by myself. Just like I was taught to do. But!" You clapped your hands together. "I'm happier now. Much happier. Which is the only thing I could've wished for. Soo, yeah. You won't have to worry about any parents wandering around here. You can explore all you want. Want me to show you to the living room?"

You were quick to try to change the subject, not wanting to stick around for this topic because every time you did it stung. It shouldn't have stung the way it always seemed to, but it did. And you didn't like it. You had cried enough over the matter, and you weren't going to allow it to dig deep. Not this time. 

So, instead of giving Don time to respond, or even fully register what you had said, you grabbed hold of his hand and quickly but carefully made your way to the couch sitting in your living room, gently urging Don to sit, before scurrying away to the bathroom to rinse off all the dirt you could feel clinging to you, and also to wash away any and all thought of what you had just left Don to process.

As he sat there, thought began to float through Don's quizzical mind once more. How could your parents do that to you? You, the most wonderful thing to probably ever happen to this planet. You, with the biggest heart Don's ever seen. You, tough yet soft. You, smart and humble. You, who quite literally risked her life for a giant 6 foot walking turtle. You shouldn't be possible. You should be just a figment of his imagination. But you weren't. You were here and you were real and he just couldn't wrap his head around how anyone could just stop caring for someone like you. They didn't deserve you if they were just going to give up on trying. Just like that. And yet, somehow after dealing with them up until just recently, you're You aren't bitter or cold or hateful. Instead, you're sweet and kind and selfless. You have every right not to be, but you are. And ultimately that makes Don hate your parents even more. 

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