Fools in Love

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"I volunteer," Mia's voice sounded from behind me. I thought she went crazy. "NO!" I screamed. But as I realized the same act was amounted by Scott and Liam.

"Fine," I made a step back, "it was just a suggestion."

"Really dumb suggestion," Theo went on me.

"Scott…" I turned to the 'boss', "you know it's the best we can do."

"Mia," Scott rejected, "we don't know what they'd do to you."

"Could someone finally explain me," angry Theo raised his voice, "what the hell is going on here?"

Scott, Liam and I exchanged nervous glances.

"Fine," Theo wheezed, "I will go. I'll be the bait." Saying this, he looked at me. I took his hand in a sign he really didn't have to do this for me. "I'm supposed to protect you," he fastened the grip. 

"That would be useless," Mason pointed out, "you haven't seen a Ghost Rider in reality."

"I'll go then," Hayden sacrificed herself. "I'll be okay," she smiled at Liam who was preparing to show his disapproval, "I'm faster than you."

"As soon as Hayden's out," Mason proceeded explaining, "Scott and Liam, you guys close the gates,and then I'll put down a barrier of mountain ash."

"I'll be in the roof to take down the rod," Corey continued.

"We'll be in the lookout for any other Ghost Riders," Mason finished.

"What do you think?" Liam asked.

"I think it's the best idea we have right now," Scott agreed.

"I know a way that would end this misery completely," I murmured. Everyone turned to me as on a command. Except for Theo, I browsed them one by one, stopping at Scott's reproachful look. "Let's do it," he said before anyone who didn't know about the gun could require an explanation from me. Mason turned around and switched a box on. Electricity went through a great cage in the middle of the building. It reminded me of lightnings.

After some time, a real lightning went down the metal rod right on the sheet. Theo squeezed me way more and dragged me away to a hiding spot where the others were. Corey had already been outside and Hayden in the cage.

Getting in touch with the sheet, the lightning turned into a Ghost Rider. My heartbeat was extremely fast. Theo who I was lying on let my hand go but embraced me instead.

The Ghost Rider followed Hayden to the cage. As he entered it, Hayden ran out. Liam and Scott left the hiding spot, grabbed a cage door and tried to close it. But they couldn't. Theo rolled me aside and went to help the boys. "Go! Go!" Scott shouted at Mason when the gate had already been closed, "go!" Scott and Liam jumped away fast. Mason opened a jar with black dust and by spilling it on the ground, he created a supernatural barrier. Theo didn't have to hurry. He is a Chimera after all so the mountain ash has no effect on him.

The Rider straightened his arm. Lighting's absorbed the cage. But that was all. "It worked," Liam was satisfied, "we did it."

"Yeah," Scott added without even realizing it, "we did."

This time, the Ghost Rider lifted both his arms and lightnings went through the cage again. And that's all. It really worked.

"Now what do we do," Theo broke the second-lasting silence.

"Try and talk to him," Liam said. Theo and I looked at him frightened. He can't be serious. Unfortunately, he was. "Mr. Ghost Rider?" Liam really tried to make a contact. This time Theo and I exchanged our frightened sights. "Mr. Rider?" Liam tried his vain attempt. "We'll let you out," he moved to negotiating, "if you tell us how to get our friends back."

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