That was nice

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The last thing I felt was Theo's warm hug. His woeful tears moistening my shoulder. 

I have never felt this broken. 

On one side, I was calmed down by Mia's heart still beating. 

On the other hand, I was scared because I couldn't take her pain. And except of occasional lifting of her chest, I didn't notice any move.

Liam explained to Nolan way too well one of his confederates had almost killed his sister but it didn't persuade him. That burning bitch that didn't seem to like me so much as I found out really took him and brought him to us for a minute. I rejected to leave Mia. I refused to let even her own brother come to her. In that room I simply couldn't trust anyone.

So, what happened next: nothing much. Let's just say that two policemen killed themselves. We used them as Jiang and Tierney, put them in black sacks and Scott and I brought them to Monroe saying they're Jiang and Tierney, the last members of Satomi's pack and in short the reason Monroe and the other hunters were there. Of course she didn't believe us. But instead of bloodshed agent McCall came. Scott's father. He took the real Jiang and Tierney and drove them away. I guess. I didn't care about it so much. All I was told was that now they were safe, we gave Nolan back to Monroe and we were free now. Well... in it's way. 

Jiang and Tierney lost during the ride and Scott was sure it was Gerard's job. Gerard was the boss of Monroe, Nolan, Gabe and all the other jerks. Well, while Scott and the others were thinking of a plan how to get to Gerard's lair, I was agonizing only about one thing. The only thing keeping me minimally calm was Mia's steady heartbeat.

I laid her on back seats of a black car Liam and I were supposed to go by the next day. I spent in it almost entire night. I didn't move from her. In spite of that incredible fatigue I didn't close my eyes just for a while.

I left her once during the whole night. 

I parked the car in the street Mia had lived in for eighteen years. I climbed on a roof, quietly opened a window and got to her room. I immediately headed to a closet and grabbed some clean clothes - both for me and for Mia.

"Is she going to be okay?" sobbing boy voice sounded from behind me. I won't lie to you, it pretty frightened me. And when I saw a silhouette of Nolan sitting on the bed - I didn't notice him before since I was hurrying - I was scared what would occur.

I started nodding slightly, my face bent to the floor. But I absolutely wasn't sure with my answer. I was losing hope.

Before Nolan could ask anything else I disappeared through the window.


It was dawning. I had already been standing with the car in front of the animal clinic for a couple of hours. I was ignoring the tiredness. I was ignoring the hunger. I was waiting. I couldn't move away from there until the person who's hair I was stroking wouldn't move just a little.

The first tear came from my eye in the entire night. I wanted to avoid them. I didn't want to admit Mia would really leave us.

I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears were coming down my face like rivers, I couldn't stop it. One fell on Mia's face I was bending above. "Please..." I whispered, completely desperate, and held her hand again."Please... You're the only thing I've got... Don't leave me here. Please..."

I was kind of hoping it would be like in movies. That after my words she would wake. But she hadn't just moved.

I looked under her t-shirt. There was still a visible scar on her chest. I winked for the last time to make all tears leave my eyes, then I wiped my face to my t-shirt and waited for Liam to come.

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