Rather Be the Hunter Than the Prey

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"And what if you got angry for once?" Liam stood up to him. I tore my eyes from the hunters and came to the boys. But before either Theo or me could react somehow, Liam dragged me to him and kissed me.

I even didn't have to pull away from Liam. Theo did it by himself.

He tore us apart like a zipper. I had barely woke up from the shock, I couldn't just hear the sound of a fight, I could also see it. Theo didn't save strength on Liam. Perhaps Liam tried to defend himself but Theo was more experienced.

Instead of stopping them, I turned back to my hiding spot and watched the situation down.

"We gotta call for backup," one man finally decided. I breathed.

"Guys," I whispered, returning to struggling boys. The didn't just notice me.

"Guys," I increased my voice. I tried to make it not so loud that the men could hear me. But neither did Theo or Liam.

"Boys!" I almost shouted and pulled away from each other. They finally stopped. They were about five feet apart. Both were breathing heavily. Theo spread out his claws for the last time and ripped Liam's t-shirt. "Theo!" I yelled at him. He just rolled his eyes and still breathing, he leaned against a big rock.

"You ripped my t-shirt," Liam went on Theo.

"Yeah, you broke my nose. Twice. It healed, you broke it again. Two times!"

He screamed of pain. It was right after Liam punched him again.

"Liam!" I shouted.

"Three times," Liam shrugged and viewed his t-shirt again.

I crouched to Theo. He slipped down the rock after he received the punch, holding his again bleeding nose. He had already had blood between his nose and his lips before.

I laid my palm on his face. Black veins ran on my arm immediately. I could feel a slight wave of pain going through me. Theo laid his hand on mine. I smiled. "It worked," with more serious face, I stood up and turned to Liam, "they called the backup. But hard to say how long it will take 'em."

"Anyway," Theo also got on his feet, "we should hide. Fast."

"I'm staying here."

"Mia," Liam protested immediately.

"They think I'm dead anyway. I need to keep an eye on Nolan."

"You will be careful, understood?" Theo created a barrier between me and Liam, he stopped him from any rejection. Unlike him Theo had already known convincing me how stupid my plan is is useful. I nodded. Theo unwillingly beckoned Liam to leave, both of them did so. I returned into my hiding spot and watched my brother. I was afraid they would hurt him.

It had already been about half an hour. Nolan seemed pretty worried. He picked up himself on the outside when another cars came. A couple of men got outside of them, I didn't know them. My subconsciousness made me clench my hands into fists when I saw an elder man. Hair he'd still had was as white as snow. Wrinkles were gracing his face. But his heart was a stone. Gerard Argent.

"Spread out!" he gave orders by his typical accent. "Nothing gets in or out." He was holding a case with arrows in his left hand, a crossbow in the right one. He turned to my brother. And gave him both. "Take the south side," he said to him. Nolan with visible uncertainty accepted tools meant for only one thing. "Shoot to kill."

"Okay," Nolan replied. I was so mad. These people were turning kids into killers.

I was watching my brother entering the zoo through a gate. I wanted to go to him but I was stopped by words of a woman who had recruited Nolan. "He's gonna get himself killed," doubted Monroe.

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