Splitting ways

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Hide's PoV:
Me and Kaneki walk together, my arms were tired from being help up for so long so I let them down and slouch over "my armsssssss" I whine, Kaneki hugs me, in attempt of pulling me up. I let out a small laugh, and hug him "nice try buddy". I look at him and notice his cheeks were a little rosy, I ignore it and continue walking with him "Kaneki, there's something I really need to do... maybe we can hang out more tomorrow...?" I ask, Kaneki looks up at me with a disappointed expression, I couldn't help but feel a little bad "I'll bring you books..?" I smile a little, he smiles and looks away "ok.. I'll see you tomorrow Hide" he lets go and starts to walk "Hey! I'll come by later!" I call after him then walk the opposite direction, back to the coffee shop.

Later on I arrive, I see the girl inside cleaning, walking to the door ready to turn the side to closed, I run over and knock. Her eye narrowed, she then opens the door "what do you want? We are about to close." She huffs. "I need to talk to you, about Kaneki... can I come in for a little while...?" I ask, she steps aside as I walk in. I took a seat and she stoop behind the counter "well?" She impatiently taps her fingers along the surface of the wood. "There's something Kaneki is keeping from me, he seems tense when you're around I want to know why" I said, she laughs "you certainly don't remember much do you? Well," she smirks "let me remind you"

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