The confession [Zelithur]

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Zeldris' P.O.V.

I was about to leavd the note in his locker. Thd note about him meeting me at the park later today. When I finaly tell him that I have feelings for him. I havd for 4years, ever since he moved here.

I turned my head to se him and the sins walked towards his locker! Shit! Before thinking, I ran away into the bathroom locking the door and holding the note close to my heart.

I have barely talked to him, but I do love him so,so,so much. The bell rang and I had to go to class, but I didn't want to cus he isn't in it.

I slowly unlocked the doof and walked into class, beeing there 2 seconds before my teacher.


It was about to be lunch, luckily we where dissmissed 5minutets early. I walked over till his locker, forching the note in.

Im such an moron! I scream inside my head.

He is going to know that I have a crush om him!

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