the confesion {part 2}

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Arthur's P.O.V.

I opend my locker and a note fell out. Elizabeth noticed it when I picked it up.

"Hey, what do you got there?" She asked, smirking.

"I don't know, I think it is a note. I will read it after class." I replyed getting my books and walking to class.

But on the way there I opend the note. It was from Zeldris! I did only read who it was from. I sat down at my desk and thr teacher starting talking about something.

I opend the note again, looking at the beautifuld handwriting, not reading it yet. I don't know if I should read it out loud till my friends.

It rang out till lunch and I walked to my and the sins table and sat down with them.

"So, I got an note today." I simply said. Meliodas looked at me with an smirk.

"Who is it from?" He asked.

"Z-zeldris!" I blushed at the tought off him shirtless.

"What about me?" Zeldris sat down at our table.

"Didn't know that you were gay, you coulde just gotten me to tell Arthur that you liked him and I would, as you big brother, hook you up!" Meliodas said, as if that was as just casucaly.

"I never said I had a crush on him!" Zeldris replyed, and I feelt a bit sad.

"Well,you did in the note." Esta stood behind me and said that.

Zeldris face blushed.

"Just meet ne after school at the park!" And with that, Zeldris stormed off.

The rest off the day I couldn't focus. I thought at what I should say. The day went unbelivable slow.

Timeskip till the ens off the day

I stood and waited for Zeldris at the meeting stop. It started to snow. It was so beautifuld. I saw Zeldris walking towards me. The snow landing in his hair so delicate and gracefully.

"So, as you now know, im gay and I had a crush on you for 4 years." He said.

" you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked me. I was so happy I kissed him on his lips, making him blush.

"Ofc!" I yelled, so happy to finaly be with him!

"Ofc I want to be you'r boyfriend!" I added.

I hugged him intill me, as he was shorter,his face burried me into my chestplate.

The snow keept on falling as me on we hald hand and walked away, togheter.

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