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Hi, sorry I havent writen ao much lately, I have had a writersblock): but now...(:< sorry for any spellingmistakes): only for mature readers! Contains sexuall stuff! Not a lemon!

Nobody's P.O.V.

Meliodas and his friend-group called the sins was chiling in the livingroom just watching some movies when Zeldris decided, he wanted ro be a dickhead. He walked in with some chips and put it on the tabel.

"Hi Zeldris" Ban greetet him.

"Ohhh, you can call me daddy :))" Zeldris replyed after 0.001 seconds.

Everyone just stared at him and wonder wtf had happend to him.

"W-why tho?" Ban asked nervously after Meliodas had already begun blishing for some reason.

"Ohhh, that is what Meliodas calls me every now and then :))" he replyed so casualy.

"Especialy when we fuck ;))" he added.

Everyone was just silent trying to fucking understand this new information.

"I see you're silent, so I wil keep going" the little kawaii emo decided to keep talking.

Meliodas was to shy to say anything.

"You see, every night he comes into my room and begs for my dick, clearly he wants it, so that is what I give him ;))" Zeldris looked around at the shocked faces as he took them in.

"And so I give it to him, last night he chooked on it so hard, you all should have seen his face, if only I had taken a pickture" he got lost in his thoughts trying to get back that moment.

After 10 minuttes everyone had left so ut was just Meliodas and Zeldris left.

"Baka! ;^;" Meliodas cried out trying to hit his younger brother.

"Shees, I thougt you'r friends wanted to hear all thay stuff :))"

"You are evil, fuck you! 😭" memiodas ran crying up the stares.

Zeldria just huffed to himself and whisperd "guess he dosen't want anyemore of my dick then"

Sorry if this is not what you expected, sorry I have a wierd humor, welp, do you want more of types of storys like this, I will happily write them for you <33 se ya!

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