Adore You- Zelithur

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Something sweet and adorable for my lovely readers! Inspired by the song 'Adore You'
Zeldris- 15
Arthur- 16

Arthur stood and waited for his crush outside the school gate. His crush walked up to him- Zeldris, his crush who only saw him as best friend.

"Hi Arthur!" Zeldris smiled at him, and Arthur felt his face heat up.

"YeAH heY Zeldris!" Ohhh fuck.

Zeldris let out a laugh as his best friend's embaresment. Arthur thougt that the raven didn't know about the crush. That' why he was going to tease and drop hints that he liked him back. (His plan get thrown out the window don't worry)

"So, as my gay best friend you are gonna take me to the mall later today." Zeldris smiled.

"WHAT? I-I'm not gay." Arthur blushed hard.

"Ohh so you don't want to date me? I guess I will just have to date someone else then, see ya later Arthur!" He happily skipped to the classroom and Arthur stood there gaping. DID HE REALLY JUST MISS THE CHANCE TO DATE ZELDRIS?!??!?!?! He groaned out loud erning some strange looks.

It was now lunch and Zeldris sat down with him.

"Arthur" he said in a serious tone and turned around to see his really-near-future-boyfriend in the eyes.

"Y-yes?" Arthur stammerd back.

"Will you...let me adore you?" Zeldris asked as he cupped Arthur's face and gently kissed him.

When he pulled away smirking, Arthur was a blushing mess and couldn't let out a word.

"Wanna' be my boyfriend now or the gay best friend? In both you get the benefit." Zeldrid smirked.

"B-boyfriend!" Arthur stammerd out.

"Great, date at the mall today!" Zeldris announced, and shoved in his food before walking to his class.

Arthur was really happy.

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