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Nobody's P.O.V.

It was Meliodas and Zeldris 1year aniversery! And Zeldris had been planing all week of how to do it, but he thought atleast he did a pretty good job. Roses, condoms because he dosen't want to clean cum out of his as all the time whenever they fuck.

Zeldria out on his suit and was walking downstairs to lay the finiahibg touches on things when sudently something hit him. And he heard thay god damn laughter again, he looked into the mirror and notices that cream had his his face and was now running down onto his clothes.

He looked up at Meliodas who was laughing hysteriacly at him.

"Hah! You should have seem how stupid you look, why are you even dressed up! XD" Meliodas bursted into lauhter.

Our poor little emo-boy tried to hold in his tears):

"D-don't you rembemer? :/" Zeldris asked.

"What should I have remberd?"

At this point, the tears had ledt Zeldris eyes.

"I HATE YOU CUM-FACE I HOPE YOU'RE ROTTENING IN HELL!" He creid before running into his room.):

"Shees, what happend? ._."

"Welp" Estarossa was there out of nowhere.

"Where did you come from?" He quiestinoned.

"Does that matter? Anyways did you really forget your 1 year aniversery?"

The sudden realasion hit Meliodas hard in his balls.

Meliodas ran up til Zeldris room and barged in. Zeldris had only his boxers and a t-shirt on. Meliodas tried to hug him bur Zeldris kicked him in his nuts.

"I love you..." he whisperd.

"I love you to you stupid baka..."

Meliodas had pressed his lips against Zeldris and his heart fluttert.

The end...?

Thanks for reading my this oneshot, have a great day! 🍾

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