Chapter VI.

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(Konoha Park)

"So boring." Naruto said as he sat on a bench at the park. He still has his choker on and was wearing his training outfit, which was a black tanktop, black sweatpants, and black hightop vans. He watched people walk by while giving him glare's, mostly from the male population, Hell some of them even had perverted thoughts and threw cat calls at him. The female population was too busy drooling, or blushing at the site of him.

"Perverted assholes." Naruto quietly said annoyed.

"I know, right Naru." a two feminine voices said.

"Oh, hey Ku-chan, Ria-Chan how are you been doing since i changed my mindscape?". Naruto asked.

"Other than being in my den, its boring." Kurama said.

"I enjoy my cave im your mindscape but it gets dull sometimes". Rias said innocently.

"That's great." Naruto said sarcastically.

"Idiot." Kurama said.

Naruto pull out a bottle of water to drink, it's been boring waiting for the stupid exams to begin so Naruto lay his back on the bench to take a little nap, not noticing a person that's approaching him.

"Ara,ara hello Naruto-kun." a woman voice said.

Naruto opened his eyes to see a very beautiful red haired woman with dark violent eyes looking down at him, she wearing a dress that's good looking, on her and a headband with a musical note on it, her long red hair reach down to her butt overall, Naruto never seen anyone in Konoha coming close to match this red head beauty.

"Ah...hi?" Naruto said as the woman give a creepy grin on her face. Naruto was little freak out due to seeing her grinning but he spoke again.

"Who are you lady?" Naruto said still figuring out who this woman is.

"My name is Shuknaxi. I'm from the sound village." The now named Shuknaxi introduced herself.

"Never heard of it." Naruto said.

"It's a recently formed village where people with their unique skills come to, even Jinchuuriki's are accepted. You happened to be the host of nine tails, am i right?" Shuknaxi said smiled at Naruto who eyes widen while in his head, Kurama and Rias growled thinking this woman will use their Naru as her weapon.

Seeing Naruto not responding, Shuknaxi gained silence. " Ara ara, did the cat got your tongue." she said.

Rias stayed silent as she heard the conversation. "She reminds me of Akeno too much." she thought as the conversation went on.

Now Naruto is on edge as he sat up and back away from her little bit. " You seemed to know a lot about me?" he said using caution.

"Ara ara, everyone in the sound village or Oto as it called, knows about you and the fox you carried." Ketsua said

"Naruto, be on guard she up to something." Kurama said as she sensing something familiar about Shuknaxi like she knows her somehow but also the power she giving off is very strong and evil.

"I mean hell, you even got the attention of lady Otokage." Shuknaxi said.

Naruto was shocked, he gotten the attention of a kage how the hell he did that. But still he not trusting this woman's words at all.

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