Chapter XVII

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Hello everyone, this is the chapter that we have been waiting for, the chapter that had her FINALLY DEAD HAHAHAHA YEAHHH ENJOY
- Author
Sasuke and Kakashi are training hard outside Konoha. Training, so that Sasuke can defeat both Itachi and Naruto. Sasuke was just taking a break away from Kakashi, when he hears a noise.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Out from behind a tree, steps Kushina.

"You! You're that woman from the second exam! Good. I wanted to talk to you anyway."

Kushina raises her eyebrow. "What would you want to talk to me about?"

"As the last Uchiha, it is my duty to restore my clan, once I destroy Itachi. I'll need a powerful woman at my side. I have chosen you to be given the great honor of being the new Matriarch of the Uchiha clan and for you to be my wife."

Kushina stares wide-eyed at Sasuke for a few seconds, before she bursts out laughing.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, I'm serious. Uchiha don't joke about these matters."

Kushina immediate response is to reject him, but then comes up with an idea.

"Tell you what. I actually came out here to help you in a different matter. You want to learn how to tap in that curse seal's power, don't you?"

"Yes! I would do anything to use that power again!"

Kushina grins. She has Sasuke, right where she wants him.

"Good. Before I become your wife, I want you to master the seal. Of course, you don't know how to use it. I'll show you how to use the seal, but you will have to prove that you will do anything to gain the power."

"What do you want me to do?"

(Sometime later)

Sasuke returns to where he left Kakashi. Kakashi looks over at him.

"Yes, Sasuke?"

"Kakashi, I need to return to Konoha. I forgot about the Uchiha scrolls on the Sharingan and their fire techniques."

"Very well Sasuke."

Kushina watches the two leave, before she disappears in a puff of smoke.

*Scene Change*

Kushina is sparring with Naruto, when she pauses. This allows Naruto to land a blow on her. He immediately knows something is up.

"Mom? Is something wrong?"

"I'll explain later, Naruto-kun. Let's just say my plans for disposing your former team are already underway."

*Scene Change*

Sasuke and Kakashi arrive back at Konoha.

"Kakashi, there's something else I need to do. Go get the scrolls from the Uchiha compound, while I go do what I need to do."


Kakashi heads off to the Uchiha compound, while Sasuke walks off in another direction.

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