세븐 (7)

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SHiT face💩: Can we talk Suga?

SHiT face💩: Pls😥

Asshole👿: Is it important I was kinda studying for my maths exam🤷‍♂️

SHiT face💩: Yes it's important

SHiT fsce💩: And I'm also studying for maths btw, think u could help me?

Asshole👿: What makes u think I'm smarter than u

SHiT face💩: Bubs anyone is smarter than me, I've come bottom twice now

Asshole👿: Maybe I should call u dumbass instead of shit face😂

SHiT face💩: Probably 👍

Asshole👿: That's so self degrading🙁

SHiT face💩: it's the truth

Asshole👿: Fineeee I'll help

Asshole👿: On one condition!

SHiT face💩: Name ur price bubs😇

Asshole👿: U have to change my name

SHiT face💩: Deal babi~

SHiT face💩: Can u change mine🙏

Princess💖: I'll change urs if u don't come last on your exam

SHiT face💩: Promise?

Princess💖: Promise x

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