이십 일 (21)

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Darkness surrounded Yoongi and he was starting to feel on edge, yeah Jungkook was there but he wasn't exactly safe nor was he awake.

Lucky bastared. Yoongi though as he kept yorning, at least Jungkook got to sleep. The bitter cold started to get to him and he was shivering, it's not like the thin material of his blazer was doing much to keep him warm since he had taken off his coat to stop Jungkook from freezing to death but was now questioning whether he made the right choice as he was now the one slowly dying.

School ended at 4pm and Yoongi had called the ambulance around six but still no sign of them after almost an hour. What on earth was taking so long. Had they forgotten that Jungkook was shivering and unconscious or did they just not care.

The mint-haired male decided that there was no point in stressing and concluded that they'll get here when they get here, although he had already made sure to make a mental note to put in a complaint for such terrible service.

He needed a distraction to take his mind off the cold, but I mean he was literally surrounded in dirt and darkness. That was until he looked down and saw the slight glittering of the unconscious younger before him due to him being tacky with sweat. Yoongi found himself captivated, he had never really taken a good look at his bullies face before, his features were so soft and cute and yoongi wanted to look more clearly, he wanted to see what the darkness hid from him, seeing Jungkook 'not scary' was rare to yoongi so the next thing he new he was pulling out Jungkook's phone just to shine the light from it onto the youngers face. Wow. Even though he was laced in sweat and possibly on the verg of death Yoongi couldn't deny he was stunning, so much so Yoongi began trailing his finger along Jungkook's brow bone, to his perfect nose all the way to his Jaw.

Snap out of it you idiot! Yoongi mentally scolded himself. Looks can be deceiving, he new that all too well but he just couldn't understand how. How could this innocent, baby like, soft looking, red-head male do such cruel, meaningless and terrible things. It makes no sense, was it his way of protecting himself by using intimidation, did it make the younger feel good to torment others and feel dominant or did he really just hurt Yoongi as an outlet, to release all his bottled up anger onto one individual.

Yoongi's chain of thoughts where cut off when he heard twigs snapping and multiple bright lights flashing right at him. He flinched and covered his eyes from the harsh brightness. "we're paramedics, you called us to help your friend?" a female voice called out, making a confused yoongi now understand what was happening.

"Umm...right y-yeah, he still won't wake up and he's covered in sweat."

"What's his name?" another paramedic questioned this time it was a male voice.

"J-Jeon Jungkook"

The female stepped forward examining the red-head. "Jungkook can you hear me?"

She got no reply.

The male paramedic then shined a torch in the youngers eyes. "his pupils are dialating, that's a good sign"

"do you know what your friend was doing before he was unconscious?" The lady asked.

"Umm well some g-guys were b-beating him up pretty bad a-and he was having a...panic attack." Yoongi answered realising how what happened to Jungkook was really bad. Without wasting anymore time the paramedics lifted Jungkook onto some kind of board, putting a kneck support on him and then leading him and Yoongi out of the forest and towards the ambulance.

The older boy hadn't planned to stay with Jungkook, he wanted to just get dropped off at home, he was cold, tired, and still had to somehow find the will to study biology. "Can you drop me off here please" Yoongi asked ever so quietly as they Drove down his street. "I'm afraid I can't do that son" the male paramedic continues "You've also been in the cold for hours, I'd like to check you out as well, if that's alright." Yoongi new the last part wasn't a question but more of a statement. He let out a surrendered sigh and slouched back in his seat, he knew he was fine he just needed his bed and to also text Kookie, who he had probably been blanking all day long. The mint-haired rummaged around in the pockets of his blazer and trousers searching for his phone. Shit! It was still at school, yoongi had completely forgotten to go back and get it once the paramedics had came. Guess he'd just have to wait until tomorrow to talk to him instead.

The ambulance soon pulled up outside of Busan hospital where no time was wasted carrying the younger into the building followed by a moody yoongi. "do you have Jungkook's phone? " the lady asked, Yoongi nodded pulling the phone out and handing it to her. "thank you, you're a good friend you know." She said, ruffling his hair before proceeding to find Jungkook's parents contacts in his phone. Good friend my ass! The older shivered at the thought of people believing he had any kind of relationship with Jungkook, yes the boys cute, but looks don't mean a thing if his personality was shit then he would be seen as a shit person. But it wasn't like Yoongi was gonna just leave him out there in the middle of winter, he wasn't that inhuman.


Jungkook was handed over to the doctors who tried their best to warm him up by layering blankets on him and increasing the temperature of his room. They also gave the boy some fluids and all they could really do now is wait until he wakes up to see if anything was seriously wrong.

Yoongi on the other hand had finished being checked out, just for them to say what he already knew, that he was fine and just needed to rest. They told him that it's against the rules for them to release him without a guardian, despite the fact Yoongi was actually eighteen, he looked a lot younger and just for safety reasons and the hospital not wanting to get sued for releasing someone who looked twelve onto the streets alone at night, Yoongi had to wait until Namjoon, his older brother could get there, which would be at ten so that meant he was stuck at the hospital for another two hours until then. He had occupied himself by wondered down the halls, eating as much as his stomach would allow in the cafeteria and from the vending machines, which led to him being sick on all his clothing, so now he had to change into one of the hospital gowns that he despised doing because it drowned his skeletal figure and made him appear like he was some demon child out of a horror movie. So now Yoongi was at a loss of how to entertain himself for the remainding hour, no thoughts running through his head, not a hint of inspiration, until an idea popped up in his mind...

Should I check on Jungkook?

Its not like he's awake...I'm sure it'll be fine.


Yoongi inhaled deeply, breathing out all his nerves as he headed towards the red-heads room, still moving with caution however, out of habit. When he arrived he looked through the window on the door to make sure the younger was still sleeping before he entered.

The the lighting of the room was reduced down to just a muted light bulb, easy on the eyes and nothing but calming. It was cosy, warm and made the older feel relaxed. He pulled up a chair near Jungkook's bed, not too close but just enough for him to lean over and steal one of the youngers blankets for himself. He eased back, sinking into the chair, tilting his head and once again just staring at the red-heads features.

Little snores left the lips of the sleeping boy, almost like purrs even. Yoongi couldn't help but coo at his adorableness, he may be muscular and buff as hell but cuteness was all Yoongi could see. He shuffled the chair inches closer making sure not to scrape the legs on the ground as he did. The older was now close enough to place a hand in Jungkook's fluffy locks of hair, brushing his bangs from his closed eyes, revealing his beautifully long eyelashes.

Gosh! This boy is truly remarkable.

If he wasn't such a dick I may have fallen for him.

Maybe in another life?

"Even his lips are perfection! " Yoongi whisper shouted to himself, getting carried away with his thoughts that one slipped out aloud. He quickly slapped a hand over he's mouth, pleading Jungkook wouldn't wake up from his loose tongue exposing what he truly thought of the younger.

But that would only happen if luck were on his side...

The red-head began tossing

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