십구 (19)

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It's another long chapter hope u enjoy 💛💜


Monday had arrived and that meant Jungkook could finally go back to school. He couldn't lie though, he was a little nervous about what people would say to him or about him.

Yeah he acts like a tough guy but people know he's not as big and bad as he seems to be. But they were still hesitant because of his parents. Everyone knew that it was stupid to mess with him because Jungkook would go running to his mum and dad. Which he would but he'd never admit that to anyone.

He new all his friends were fake too, they were just with him because of social statuses. But seeing how he had a panic attack over water, many people had had enough of his little facade and didn't want him to run things around school any longer and if a fight is what had to happen to become king then fight they will.


It was all fine right up until lunch, that's when things had finally started to heat up.

"Jungkook!" Wonho called out. "I need to speak to you"

Jungkook's head snapped up and when he looked around him and saw that a mini crowed had gathered he knew exactly what was happening.

"I'd love to chat Wonho I really would but you know things to do people to see" Jungkook replied sarcastically. But when he tried to leave Wonho blocked his way by slamming his arm in front of the door. "umm do you mind?"

"Yes I do mind actually I'm sick of your bullshit act, Just drop it already we all know your fake."

"Excuse me? Say that again." Jungkook said lowly, eyes turning cold.

"I-I said drop your Fucking act!" Wonho mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Scared" a smirk appeared on the youngers face as Wonho tried to stand his ground.

"There's nothing to be scared of Jungkook, you have panic attacks over a little splash of water! Your a fucking spaz!"

All of a sudden Jungkook felt like he was being slammed into repeatedly, trapping his breath inside him. It felt like someone had just taken a baseball bat to his chest and tried crushing him. He felt dizzy and he couldn't focus." I d-didnt h-ha-have a p-pa-panic a-attack b-beca-because of w-wat-" Jungkook lost his balance and fell against the wall. He was sweating and hyperventilating again. No one moved to support him but only pulled out their phones to recored and whisper amongst themselves.

Another panic attack. Great!

Of all times for him to look weak, for him to be vulnerable it had to be now.


From the far end of the corridor was yoongi. He had his head down and was moving toward the roof where he ate his lunch alone but stopped to look up from all the loud chattering and light giggles. That's when he noticed a crowed of all the people he'd much prefer to avoid, completely blocking the only root to the roof.

How convenient!

He guessed he could have his lunch in the bathroom but he didn't feel like being cooped up in the tiny cubicles for an hour and the cafeteria just wasn't even an option in his mind. More like a chance for each person he fears to have their turn using him as a punching bag. So pretty much Suicide!

In the end he opted to just try his best to sneek past them.

He crouched down to become as small as he possible could and began to shuffle forward, ducking under swinging arms while trying to avoid his hands being stepped on by heels of laughing girls.

So far no one had even turned their head to pay him any mind. And Yoongi was greatful to whoever had been more entertaining at that point and time so that he could actually have a peaceful lunch to himself.

He was almost out the mob of teenagers when he heard someones pathetic excuse of a shout. The voice familiar to Yoongi but he just couldn't quite make it out.


"sorry what was that?" another voice called out.

"I s-sa-said stop re-reco-record-ing m-me!"

Yoongi felt bad. Whoever was being picked on really didn't sound okay, they sounded in pain and no one seemed to care but rather seemed to find amusement from it. How can people be so sick! Yoongi thought to himself, he just didn't understand.

He wanted to help but how could he help someone else when he couldn't help himself and not to mention he's literally bones covered in a pale layer of skin. Yoongi doesn't even starve himself, in fact he eats a lot! He put on a few pound over the last year but nothing noticeable, he just couldn't seem to gain the weight he wanted and with no parents around he didn't bother going to the doctors to see if something was seriously wrong but he did self-diagnose that it was just because of stress.

Did he risk staying and watching what happens to whoever was being mocked or did he escape to the roof. He knew how worthless someone could feel when they realised that no one cares enough about you to stop others from hurting you. But it wasn't like he could intervene, and staying just to watch made him seem as bad as the rest. But maybe if he could just see who it was he could check if they were alright later on or maybe he could tell the principal but that could resolve in a later beating for snitching.

So Yoongi decided to peak through the gap of bodies ahead of him and who he saw, he really just couldn't believe. Him of all people! No way! Yoongi seriously couldn't comprehend his own thoughts. Was he happy to see the one who tortured him getting a little taste of his own medicine. Or did it make him want to cry seeing someone so strong literally falling to their knees. If even the toughest wasn't tough enough how would Yoongi survive how would he cope.


Jungkook had given up trying to be strong, he just wanted to breath, he wanted to feel a rush of air overflowing his lungs. This had by far been the longest panic attack he had ever had and he was beginning to consider that it may never end.

Everything was spinning, all the laughs were muffled and he couldn't seem to do the most basic human function as to breath.

All Jungkook's friends were nowhere to be seen and maybe even some teachers had turned a blind eye or were going on deaf because this whole situation was anything but quiet yet no one had came to his rescue.

How could Jungkook calm his breathing, when all that surrounded him was all that he feared. Yes that's right Jungkook was scared. Everything that he loved seemed so far out of reach. He just couldn't do this anymore, it was all to hard and it was starting to weigh him down.

He tried thinking of what his mum would tell him. She'd say "Jungkook, you have to breath for me okay" And his dad too "Kook, your okay, your safe." but that's the thing, he wasn't safe, he wasn't safe at all.

Jungkook never had a happy place and he never thought he really needed to, but right now he wishes he could run away to it, away to his happy place...

Away to his princess💖.


To be continued... 💜💛💜💛💜💛

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