서른 (30)

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"D-did you k-know it was me a-all along?"

"No, not all along I swear. I found out only when you sent that picture of yourself a few days ago."

"Why d-didn't you tell me once you knew?" Yoongi didn't look hurt, more confused. He didn't get how this is all actually happening, it felt like a dream that he would wake up from any second now.

"I didn't want to tell you because of the guilt I had for being the one who hurt you." Jungkook figured that he has nothing left to lose, if he loses Yoongi then he's lost everything, he just hopes that he can try to make Yoongi understand. He was crying, he didn't care, he liked Yoongi so much and he'd do anything to erase the past and start fresh. "I-I was a coward Yoongi and I'm so sorry. Once I found out you were Princess, I couldn't sleep because I felt so discussed with myself." Jungkook reached for yoongi's hands that were in his lap. He held them ever so lightly, the elder didn't retract his hand as Jungkook predicted he would, instead Yoongi held onto his hands as well.

"Jungkook, don't cry." He said as he moved his hands up to Jungkook's face and gently wiped away the youngers fallen tears. "There's no need to be discussed with yourself, I forgave you remember. Even though I didn't know you were kookie I still forgave you, I still like you Jungkook." Yoongi smiled at him. He really did have a lot of adoration towards the younger, more than he'd realised.

"How c-can you?" Jungkook sniffled. "I'm horrible, a h-horrible monster."

Yoongi giggled at his cuteness. "You're not a horrible monster, you're beautiful and sweet and gentle and so loving towards me, how can I not like you?"


Yoongi didn't let Jungkook say another bad word about himself, he may be shy and all but right now all he felt was love. He didn't care about anything else, he only cared about this, this moment. Yoongi gently pressed his lips again Jungkook's soft ones, closing his eyes, he took in the feeling of the warmth and the little butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. It felt right to him and that's all. The past is the past, now all yoongi can think of is his future... Their future.

Jungkook however, was utterly stunned. Is he asleep, did he wake up in another life? Yoongi was kissing him...on the lips! Whether this was happening or not, Jungkook wanted to embrace this moment, from yoongi's gentle touches to his cherry kissed lips everything was perfect, everything felt complete in him. He didn't want to break apart, but if they don't soon they'll die.

Jungkook rested his forehead against yoongi's, his cheeks were flushed a deep pink and his heart felt like it was drowning. Yoongi too, was nervous and blushing madly, he couldn't bring himself to meet Jungkook's eyes.

"S-sorry." Yoongi whispered, barely audible.

"Sorry for what bubs?"

That pet name caught Yoongi off guard he'd almost forgotten that Jungkook and kookie are the same person, but now he thinks about it, they're so similar. "I k-kissed you, I'm sorry."

"I'm not. Yoongi I like you so much and I want to be more than friends, I don't want to see you belong to someone else."

"Jungkook, I don't want you to belong to anyone else either, because...you're mine, okay?"

The younger coughed, what did Yoongi just say. Cute bub is all possessive. "That's fine by me."

"A-actually, I'll only be yours if you leave the past in the past, we don't talk about the past sufferings... this is our 'fresh start', together."

Jungkook thought, if leaving all the negative things behind and moving on to better things with the only person he wants to be with, then it's worth it without a doubt. Jungkook closed the gap between them once more, kissing Yoongi with more confidence then before, he's dominating the kiss this time, passion and lust both dripping from the kiss, emotions running wild and a growing love springing from the both.

Yoongi broke away first, breathing deep, eyes still closed in lust and his arms wrapped around the youngers neck.

Jungkook grabbed Yoongi by the face, kissing his forehead then his cheeks, then nose and lastly, stealing a quick peak from the elders lips. "I could eat you, you know that?" Jungkook laughed hugging Yoongi into his chest.

Yoongi blushed madly once again. "N-not y-yet J-jungkook."


"It's way too soon!"

"Yoongi I meant eat you because you're lips taste so sweet, I didn't mean it in the way you're thinking."


"I-I wasn't thinking a-anything."

"Mhm, sure you weren't. But since we're on that topic, I do remember hearing the word 'yet' in your sentence. Heh heh. You tryna tell me something there bubs?"

Yoongi gasped, slapping Jungkook's chest. "...I d-didn't say that."


"I didn't."


"Jungkook, so...what are we?"

"I'd like to think that we're t-together, as in boyfriends?"

"You haven't asked me yet!"

Jungkook chucked, "Oh right- Min Yoongi, would you make me the happiest 17 year old alive and be my boyfriend?"

"Not sure, what's in it for me." Yoongi said crossing his arms.

"This.." Jungkook kisses his nose. "and this.." Then his hands. "And this..." Jungkook then sucks on the skin of yoongi's neck, biting it lightly, making Yoongi whimper a little from this new sensation.

Jungkook moved away and looked the elder in his eyes, "So Min Yoongi, what do you say. Do you want to be mine?"

"Y-yes p-please."



Well, I'm glad that finally happened!

If it feels rushed please let me know so then I can slow it down.


-byee x

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