여덟 (8)

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Princess💖: Good luck with ur exam today, I'm about to go into mine😭

SHiT face💩: Right back at u

SHiT face💩: And thanks for helping me, now let's see if it payed off

Princess💖: Just remember X=1 and you'll be fine☺️

SHiT face💩: Not to be funny but I thought X=1/2

Princess💖: No Kook it doesn't🤦‍♂️

Princess💖: Anyway I gtg byee

SHiT face💩: Byee bubs see you later x


But Jungkook wouldn't see him later {text him later - but that's not the point} he would see him right now as he stepped into his classroom repeating what Suga {Princess💖} told him again and again in his head.

That was until he locked eyes with his number one victim Min Yoongi. The said boy quivered and shyed away from his gaze and hurried to his seat, much to Jungkook's distaste.

Jungkook's brows furrowed as he still had 15 minutes until the test began he though why not do some damage.

He made his way over to the clearly frightened boy and picked him up by his nape with pure ease. Yoongi squirmed in his hold finding it useless to try and free himself.

"you really are a depressing piece of shit, aren't you?" Jungkook questioned shoving the smaller boy against the wall. He placed his fingertips lightly on yoongi's chin to force him to meet his eyes. "what's wrong love, don't you like getting slammed against the wall by other boys!" He yelled causing the boy to squirm helplessly and getting the rest of the classes attention.

Yes everyone saw but No, nobody moved an inch or even batted an eylid to help him, all to scared to receive the same treatment. Even some teachers would turn a blind eye to Jungkook's behavior, his parents ownig the school and everything!

"Alright class, to your seats please" Mr Kim said not even glancing up at the situation unfolding infront of him. "Now" He said with a tad more authority.

"This isn't over, love" Jungkook whispered into yoongi's ear. The aforementioned boy completely petrified. "see you after school"

And with that Jungkook moved to go back to his seat leaving yoongi still stood against the wall and still feeling sick to his core.



Well that's awkward! Hope u enjoyed! 💖

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