스물 넷 (24)

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Kookie😍: I'm leaving ur name as Princess, Yoongi

Princess💖: Wasn't planning on changing yours either

Kookie😍: You could change it

Kookie😍: ...to boyfriend :)

Princess💖: How about no

Kookie😍: how about yesss!

Princess💖: How about you send me a picture of your ugly face 🙃

Princess💖: Pls :)

Kookie😍: I'll send u one tomorrow

Kookie😍: Because I get released from hospital tomorrow.

Princess💖: Or I could pick u up

Kookie😍: Umm... Don't u have school

Princess💖: I could call in sick

Princess💖: or say I'm visiting my ill friend

Kookie😍: Friend... 😑

Kookie😍: I don't have friends, and I don't want friends

Princess💖: would you look at that

Princess💖: we can be loners together

Princess💖: I have literally no friends

Princess💖: well except for my brother but that doesn't really count right 😅

Kookie😍: I only have my parents now I guess :)

Kookie😍: I mean I have a brother but he's always working and talking to a bunch of different guys.

Kookie😍: man whore 😓

Princess💖: 😂😂😂

Princess💖: Jungkook, u still didn't answer my question

Kookie😍: Umm...and what question may that be?

Princess💖: I really can come and pick u up

Princess💖: if you like ☺️

Kookie😍: I would love u to bubs, but my brother already said he'd come and take me home.

Princess💖: ☹️

Kookie😍: sorry buttercup x

Princess💖: you'll be forgiven after you send that photo tomorrow 🙃

Princess💖: I'll be waiting Jungkook :)

Kookie😍: Trust me, you'll fall in love with my looks alone bubs x

Princess💖: 🙄

Princess💖: goodnight Jungkook :)

Kookie😍: Goodnight Yoongi ❤️

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