십사 (14)

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Yoongi hid in one of the showers wishing this hour would just hurry up. He was bored out of his mind.

He sat there just playing with the hot and cold taps for the past 20minuets until he felt his phone buzz in his jumper pocket. He slid out his phone and a small smile crept onto his face when he saw the name he loves to see in his notifications.


Kookie😍: Hey bubs you there?

Princess💖: you have literally saved my life😘

Princess💖: I was so bored!! I have swimming but I'm hiding cause my body is like eww😷

Kookie😍: I have swimming too 😩 why must they use chlorine🤦‍♂️

Princess💖: Watt?

Kookie😍: Nevermind

Kookie😍: And sweets, I bet ur body is to die for😍

Princess💖: Well I mean it is quit close to death🤷‍♂️ almost ghostly

Kookie😍: If I could only see you I
would rap u up in my arms bub.

(Okay yoongi was dying inside! how can he be so cute)

Princess💖: You'd probably kill me I'm pure bones

Kookie😍: I'm quite muscly but I'm sure we would make it work😘

(Now he was just turned on)

Kookie😍: I'll be right back bubs

Kookie😍: Nature calls💩

Princess💖: eww😂

Kookie😍: :)


Just at that moment the locker doors swing open but Yoongi's to busy giggling to even pay any mind to it as he waits for Kookie to come back.

Jungkook enters the locker room smiling down at his phone because he had just made the boy that gives him consent butterflies laugh. But then he's snapped out of his trance when he hears little giggles echoing through the room.

"Hello?" he calls out. But no one replies

Jungkook searches the room wanting to find the owner of that laugh. Cute, he thought.

He enters the showers and passes through them until he sees a small shadow through the curtain.

"Hello who's there?" he asks as he walks toward the shower and when he still gets no reply he decides to pull back on the curtain ever so slightly not wanting to startle the person. But when Jungkook sees who it is, his eyes turn cold and dark.

"Hi love" he says, causing yoongi to look up from his phone only to drop it out of complete fear. "why aren't you swimming with the rest of the boys hmm?" He raises a brow. "not talking today?" The younger says pouting.

"P-p-please l-leave me a-al-alone" Yoongi musters up the courage to stutter.

"Now now, that's just rude and you know what happens to rude boys right? They get to join all the rest of the dicks in the pool!" And with that, Jungkook graps Yoongi by the waist and slings him over his shoulder with ease, seeing as the boy literally weighs nothing.

" L-let me go!" Yoongi pleaded uselessly as tears threatened to fall.

"I'm doing you a favour love, you don't want a detention do you?"
Jungkook enters back into the pool room with Yoongi still squirming on his shoulder. "ready to dive in love?" He questions as he now holds Yoongi bridal style.

"p-please d-do-don't" Yoongi cried. Yes he could swim but with his jumper on which drowned his figure there was just no way he would be able to swim against that weight. "please!" He yelled turning a few heads of other students and Mr Jung.

"Kook put him down right now!" Mr Jung yelled so done with Jungkook's behaviour.

"Ready love, one, two three!" On three Jungkook releases yoongi expecting him to splash into the pool but instead, Yoongi's arms are tight around his neck hanging on for dear life.

The sudden death grip around him, makes Jungkook stumble on the edge of the pool, his foot slipping sending them both plunging into the water.

They were both in panic. Yoongi was struggling under the weight of the jumper and now jungkook as well, to say Yoongi was terrified would be the understatement of the year! With no oxygen entering his lungs and the constant swishing of water blurring his vision Yoongi thought back to his online friend, his only friend. How he treats him so well when no one else has when no one else ever will. Yoongi needed him he didn't know how but he did. Just thinking about Kookie was enough to hush his panicked screams that would silently bubble to the surface, allowing some pressure to release off of his chest until he was finally dragged out of the water by one of his class mates.

Jungkook wanted to die. He never wanted to feel this way again. Not after what he did to him. Jungkook knew he was having a panic attack just like he knew he was drowning again. The water that filled his lungs was all too familiar, all too intimate for his liking.

The boy was literally hyperventilating under water (if that's even possible but let's go with it) and soon his eyes would roll back like they've done before and then his fingers and toes will twitch from the agonising affliction in his chest like they did before and then he'll feel nothing like he has ever since that day.

What was the point in holding on when what Namjoon did still tortures him till this day. He was meant to be strong now, he was meant to be fearless....but all he was is...























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