스물 일곱 (27)

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"You won't regret it. I promise bubs."

"W-what did you j-just call me?"


"uh... I uh n-nothing."

"No, you called me bubs. Right?"

"S-sorry slip of the tongue? It won't happen again." Jungkook smiled awkwardly.

"That's okay, it's just someone I know calls me that."

Yeah, me!

"Here I was thinking you were a loner."

"O-oh I am believe me, h-hes j-just an o-online friend."

Jungkook scoffed at the word 'friend'. Is that all the elder really saw him as?
"friend huh?"

"Yeah, I actually think we're gonna m-meet soon" Yoongi giggled lightly clapping his small hands together in joy.

"Wow. You sure are excited." The read-head laughed. "He must be handsome?"

"I-I actually don't know, b-but I think he'll be dusty." Yoongi joked.

Dusty my foot!

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." Jungkook remarked smiling a little to himself.



"D-don't you t-think lunch would b-be finished by now?"

"Actually it finished 15 minutes ago, yoons." The younger answered after checking the time on his phone.

He still doesn't have a password on his phone. Seriously! Yoongi thought looking down a Jungkook's phone screen. Wait! I'm late for art class! "I-I need to go I'm late f-for class!" Yoongi stood up and did a slight bow towards Jungkook thanking him again for saving him, before quickly scampering back towards the school building.

"Catch you later yoons! Don't forget about the movie!" Jungkook yelled, laughing at the sight before him. Little did Yoongi know a couple of leaves had stuck to his behind, a few floating off as he walked.

"I w-won't!" He shouted back.


Yoongi walked into art class and everyone's eyes were on him. He bowed deeply, whispering multiple apologies for being late, which went unnoticed by the teacher.

"Mr Min. Care to explain to the class why you are now 20 minutes late to my lesson?" Miss Song announced rasing a brow.

"uhh.. Um.. I..um-" Yoongi's anxiety was bursting through the roof, being late isn't a new thing to him but whenever he was it normally wasn't his fault. Either he was getting harassed or being trapped in a locker. Once he had stayed in one overnight because the boy who locked him up never came back and Yoongi had to sleep cramped up, standing up, all night long in that locker.

Great times.

"Nevermind, just sit down and try to catch up." Miss Song let him off, rolling her eyes and continuing the lesson. "As I was saying, this terms project I will give each of you an emotion that you have to present to me through your art work. Does everybody understand?" Various nods and 'yes miss's were heard. "Good."

She walked over to her desk, pulling free a sheet of paper from her draw. "Jaemin, you're doing the emotion hate. Minah, confusion. Mark, peace. Jaeyeong, excitement. Namhyung, family love." Miss Song continued calling out emotions to the students, each one different. "And lastly- oh wait I didn't write one down for you Yoongi." She quickly scanned through her list. "Ah, you can do romantic Love."

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