십 (10)

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Princess💖: Kookie 😩

Princess💖: I'm going crazyyy

Kookie😍: Why? What's up bubs?

Princess💖: I'm bored😩

Kookie😍: Oh I see, you only text me when your bored bitch!

Princess💖: Kookie that's not truee

Princess💖: I just want ur attention☺️

Kookie😍: Aww bubs! Don't do that to my heart

Princess💖: Wanna play a game☺️

Kookie😍: What kind of game?

Princess💖: Truth or Truth?

Kookie😍: Is this your way of getting to know me?

Princess💖: If you like🤷‍♂️

Princess💖: Now truth or truth?

Kookie😍: Umm truth

Princess💖: do u like boys and girls?

Kookie😍: Straight in with the personal questions I see

Princess💖: 😶

Kookie😍: Yes I like both.

Kookie😍: your turn :)

Kookie😍: R u cute in real life? 😉

Princess💖: Um no, no Im not.

Kookie😍: I believe this game is about speaking the truth! So don't lie sweets!

Princess💖: Um do u know me

Princess💖: Do you know how I look!

Princess💖: No, no you don't!

Kookie😍: Sweets, I can tell u r

Kookie😍: I'm really good at that, it's like a power of mine😁

Princess💖: Everyone else seems to not agree🤷‍♂️

Kookie😍: Babi whoever says or thinks that r dusty wastes of space!

Princess💖: Anyways🤦‍♂️

Princess💖: Have u ever been bullied?


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