삼십이 (32)

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Before I begin this chapter I just need to say that I almost had a heart attack‼️ because wattpad signed me out 🤦🏾‍♀️and I couldn't remember my password 😭 but thankfully I could sign in with Google. I would have lost it honestly.

Also I want to thank those of you voting and commenting it really helps motivate me so don't be a silent reader! 💜💜💜

{Back to the story...}


"You're dead." Jin said lowly, swinging the pans round in his hands. He was furious, he felt disgusted with himself for dating such a person.

"Jin, just here me out okay. I've changed I was stupid back then and I-"

"Oh so you're stupidity justifies the fact that you ruined my brothers life! YOU TRIED TO DROWN HIM IN THE POOL!"

Yoongi gasped. No way, no way his own brother did such things.

"Jin.." Namjoon whispered, filled to the brim with shame. "I was messed up, I know that, but I got help and I've changed, what I did was despicable and inexcusable and I've thought about it ever since."

"You are disgusting, you know that? You made Jungkook so terrified he couldn't sleep and when he did he'd wake up screaming from the nightmares that he had about you! You made him hate himself so much he wouldn't eat!" Jin was losing it, just remembering all that Jungkook went through was fueling his anger and making it so much harder for him to resist beating him to a pulp with the pans.

"Jin I-"

"Do you have any idea how long it took Jungkook to have a shower after you tried drowning him, hell he still doesn't even have baths! You've tormented and utterly ruined him Namjoon, do you get that?!"

"...I'm so sorry Jin."

"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I ever liked you or even thought of you as a human being when truly, you're a piece of shit!"

Namjoon couldn't say anything. Everything Jin said was true he was inhuman and terrible.

"You need to leave." Was all Seokjin had left to say.

"Jin please -"


"Okay, okay fine. Yoonie come on, let's go." Namjoon let his head fall.

"I don't w-want to leave Jungkook." Yoongi sobbed, listening to the older brothers heated conversation made Yoongi sick, he loved Namjoon he really did, but right now he didn't want to look a him. "You go Joonie, I'm staying here."

"Yoongi please."

"I c-can't look at you right now, please, j-just go." Yoongi looked away from his brother and down at Jungkook who's head was on his chest as he covered his ears with his trembling hands to mute the sound of his bullies voice the best that he could.

"Okay fine, just come home soon." Namjoon felt tears prick his eyes, he felt horrible already but now he feels even worse that his brother can't look him in the eye.

"Seokjin?" Mrs Jeons voice could be heard from upstairs. "What's all the shouting about?"

"Leave. Now." Jin whispered as he ushered Namjoon out, hitting him lightly with the pans before slamming the front door in his face.

"Sorry mum, I thought I saw a spider but it was just the shadow of my hair!" Jin yelled up the stairs, making up a crapy excuse in order not to worry his mum.

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