스물 여덟 (28)

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The bell rang signalling the end of the school day, so Yoongi began to pack up his books and stationery but was interrupted by a hand slamming onto his desk. He gasped in surprise and looked up only to see Lisa standing over him.

"Hey bitch."

"W-what do you want?" Yoongi asked keeping his head low; he really couldn't be asked with her bullshit right now. He was supposed to meet Jungkook at the school gates and Lisa was currently the only thing in his way.

"What's wrong slut, ain't got time for me?" She pouted.

"Excuse m-me, I-I need to leave." Yoongi said softly, standing up only to be shoved harshly back down. His books flew out of his hands as his head connected forcibly with a desk behind him. The mint-hair yelped in pain, feeling his head throb in the place of impact.

"You don't leave when I'm talking to you, understand!" Lisa yelled in his face when she crouched down and grabbed him by his hair.

"L-let me go!" Yoongi cried.

I wish Jungkook was here to save me. He thought which only caused him to sob louder.

"Miss Manoban!" Mr Kim called, seeing the whole scene unfold. "What on earth do you think you are doing!"

"S-sir... I was j-just.."

"You were just about to stand up and follow me to the office young lady." Mr Kim said stirnly.

"B-but Mr Kim.." Lisa whined.


She rolled her eyes in annoyance and looked down at Yoongi. "You're lucky this time slut." she stood up following after Mr Kim but not before stepping on Yoongi's hand. "Oopsie" Lisa chuckled, exiting the classroom and leaving the sobbing boy on the ground alone.


Yoongi thought back to his online friend. He wanted to speak to someone right now, to someone he can trust. The fragile boy sat up, hissing in pain, his head felt heavy, like it was being hammered down, and to be honest he wouldn't be surprised if he were to pass out any second now.

Yoongi reached for his bag and pulled out his phone. He searched his contacts until he came to the name he was looking for.


Princess💖: Kookie r u there?

Princess💖: Can I talk to you pls?

Kookie😍: Sure bubs what's up? x

Princess💖: School, I hate it so much

Princess💖: Why is it so hard for me?

Kookie😍: What's wrong?

Kookie😍: Where r u?

Princess💖: I'm still at school

Princess💖: I feel kind of tired Kookie

Princess💖: We'll talk later 💓

Kookie😍: What do u mean bubs?

Kookie😍: R u okay?

Princess💖: No, I'm not

Princess💖: Let's just say, even tho one bully might stop, it doesn't mean the rest will.

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