스물 (20)

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"Just leave him there"

"what if he stops breathing?"

"let's hope he does, it will be better for everyone!"


Right behind the school was a forest which Jungkook's parents had bought to make the schools campus more attractive, it was only a mile in diameter but still big enough to get lost in.

Wonho had got bored watching Jungkook struggle for air and decided to take things to the next level. Him and his minions had dragged Jungkook out back by his legs deep into the forest, where they mocked and tormented him even more ending up with Jungkook having a busted lip and a sore stomach.

"let's go" Wonho commanded.

"Don't you think this is too far?"

"Just leave him there"

"What if he stops breathing?"

Wonho looked back at his minions and smirked. "Let's hope he does, it will be better for everyone!"

The boys didn't question him again and hesitantly left sparing Jungkook one last glance before they left him in the forest alone.

Still panicking.


Yoongi saw Wonho's gang drag Jungkook outside but hadn't intervened... Because he's not stupid!
And wasn't sure if Jungkook even deserved his help. But he had still followed them right into the forest, keeping a good distance and hiding behind a Bush once they came to a stop.

Yoongi watch them punch and kick jungkook while he was still struggling to breath, probably knocking whatever air he had left in his lungs back out.

Something settled on Yoongis chest... Pity maybe? He wasn't sure but he knew he didn't like watching such a brutal act even if it was happening to his bully. No one deserves such cruelty for such pathetic reasons.

School had finished a while ago and the sun was just beginning to set when Yoongi had finally mustered up the courage to help out Jungkook after he made sure Wonho and the rest weren't coming back.

Yoongi snuck up to Jungkook with caution, he was his bully after all. Once he reached Jungkook's side he noticed bow Jungkook's body was shaking slightly and his eyes were closed but he was... Crying! The tables had definitely turned, it felt like a dream to yoongi, maybe a nightmare.

What does he do now, wake jungkook up and risk getting beaten of leave. Who was he kidding he couldn't leave. Yoongi was to good of a person to do so even if he wanted to he couldn't, he wouldn't.

He poked Jungkook's cheek to try and wake him up but it didn't work so yoongi tried poking his stomach but still no luck.

"If you think I'm staying out here all night with your sorry ass you can think again, so wake the Fuck up!"

Still nothing.

Yoongi had left his phone in his bag which was back at school and he didn't want to leave Jungkook to run back to the school to get help and plus it was getting dark and he didn't want to get lost in the forest in the dark! alone!

So yoongi used Jungkook's instead. He grabbed it from the pocket of jungkooks pullover, the screen now cracked, probably from the repeated kicks to his gut but still able to turn on.

Yoongi opened the phone not having to enter a password of sort since Jungkook didn't have one.

"Idiot how can you not have a password." yoongi mumbled to himself.

There was no way in hell he was going to call Jungkook's mother and have to explain to her that he's answering her sons phone because he is currently passed out and having cold sweats. I think not!

With no other number coming to mind, yoongi decided to just call for an ambulance. Yes it's a bit drastic, but at least it's a free ride.


Sorry about this chapter ik it was crap but I had no inspiration! Hopefully the next chapter will be better!

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Byeeee 💜💛💜💛💜

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