Chapter 31

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Well, when I started writing this story, there was no plan for the party to coincide with this date, I have to admit. It must be something called serendipity. Anyway, happy birthday Shannon Leto and hope you all enjoy this weekend reading! All thoughts, good and bad are welcome. I love hearing from you all xoxoxo

Jared guided me back to the truck, tight-lipped with his hand firmly gripping my wrist. I said nothing, angry with myself for feeling like a guilty schoolgirl instead of the fully grown woman I'd become.

Shannon looked over and excused himself, leaving his mom to come check on me.

"Stay out of this Shan. I'm handling it OK?" Jared intercepted him before he could get to me.

"Handling what?" he asked, looking over to me for reassurance.

I glanced away, worried that Jared would lose it any second.

"Shannon, I'm OK. Me and Jared were just talking that's all. We're all good, so let's go," I urged, desperate to spring the party surprise and get the night underway.

Jared's grip loosened on my arm and I broke free, walking over to Constance to give her a big hug.

She was petite but more than a match for her two sons. She held me at arm's length, holding my gaze for just a beat too long. "Lexy, I don't know what was happening back there but take care of yourself," she warned looking back at Jared.

His eyes narrowed as he watched us both. Constance turned back to me and pulled me into her arms. "He's a handful sweetheart. I've watched him tonight and I've seen him exert that control before. Be strong," she whispered before letting me go.

I smiled and nodded, kissing her farewell. She'd decided to call it a night and avoid the party, preferring a spot of beauty sleep - not, I noted, that she needed it. She was gorgeous and part of me wanted her to stay at my side for the rest of the evening.

"Bye Constance," I murmured, squeezing her hand before turning and walking back to the truck.

"Guys it's early, what shall we do next? How about hitting some bars down the street," Shannon suggested, obviously warming up for the night ahead.

Jared interrupted before I could say anything. "I thought we'd head back to my place for the evening. How about it Shan? You too Lexy?"

I agreed it'd be a good idea and persuaded Shannon that an evening by the pool with a few beers would be preferable to a night in a sweaty, noisy bar.

I placed my arm around his waist, pulling him in close. "You win, you both win," he answered, brushing his fingers through my hair. "I'm in no mood to fight the two of you," he grinned, pulling open the door to the truck. He helped me inside, leaving me sandwiched between him and Jared.

The tension had eased somewhat as Jared fired the ignition and pulled away into the traffic. Shannon took the opportunity, while Jared had his eyes on the road, to pull me in for a chaste kiss on the cheek, brushing wisps of my hair away with his fingertips. His eyes glinted gold in the early evening sunshine and I refused pointblank to look away, enjoying the intensity of the moment. We didn't need words to communicate; our eyes spoke volumes and were hidden from his brother.

It wasn't far to Jared's house now and I could feel a knot of excitement building inside me. What would Shannon think, I wondered, tugging at the hem of my dress.

I chanced a glance across at Jared, who was too busy navigating a busy intersection to notice me.

We climbed out of the city and into the hills, Jared skilfully taking the bends that zigzagged ever upwards towards his home.

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