Chapter 34

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Hope you've all had a good weekend. Sadly it's Monday tomorrow and back to work for most of us. Anyway, a Sunday posting of In Too Deep for anyone still following this story of Lexy, Jared and Shannon. Feel free to let me know your thoughts. All communication is very welcome xoxoxo

I was shivering. The mixture of sexual tension and the cool night air was leaving goosebumps trailing across my sensitive skin.

Shannon wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back inside and into the warmth of his bedroom. He wrapped his flannel shirt around my shoulders, rubbing my arms to bring some circulation back.

Every stroke of his hands brought warmth and eventually I felt my toes tingling as the blood started to pulse back around my body. My eyes closed and I let out a deep sigh.

"What's that for?" Shannon murmured, lifting my chin so he could look me in the eyes.

"Nothing. Well ... " I stopped for a moment. "I just wish life wasn't so complicated." I buried my face in his neck, kissing the dots of his tattoo. I knew that the three of us had woven our web together; we were all to blame for the emotional mess we'd created. Now the weight of our decisions was weighing heavy on me.

"Hey, we'll sort things out OK? Stop worrying will you." He hugged me again. "Let's get some sleep. Come to bed and we'll freshen up in the morning."

An hour later I was still awake. Shannon's breathing was deep and he let out a gentle snore curled up alongside me. The more I tried, the less likely it was that I'd drift off anytime soon.

As quietly as possible, I pulled back the covers and eased myself out of bed, grabbing Shannon's shirt from the floor and a pair of socks to keep my feet warm. A cup of tea might just relax me and make me sleep, I thought, making my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I busied myself filling the kettle and finding a mug, while turning the radio on low for a bit of company. I hummed along to the music and checked the time: 2.05am. When would sleep come, I wondered, wrapping my hands around the mug for warmth. I tried sipping the tea and instead burned the tip of my tongue. "Damn," I muttered, the curse aimed at just about anything at the moment.

The moon was still casting its ghostly light over the back yard and I watched as its reflection was broken up as a breeze rippled across the surface of the pool.

On a whim, I grabbed a blanket from the den and unlocked the door. I decided to wrap myself up and head outside. Sounds from the freeway were muted at this hour and there was very little else to break the night's silence. I sank into Shannon's recliner and breathed deeply, seeking warmth from my tea and the blanket which I'd wrapped myself in.

I let my eyes close, relishing the contrast of the cool night air against my warmed up body. Remembering my old yoga classes, I let myself breath in to the count of three, hold for three and exhale to the count of four. Eventually my mind and body stilled, leaving behind a feeling of peace.

With my mind cleared, my senses were alert to the slightest sights and sounds around me. My skin was sensitive to the rough wool of the blanket. But... it was the smell. That's what caused my breath to hitch: a familiar citrus cologne that had clung to my skin earlier.

I pulled the blanket tighter across my body, even more alert now to the slightest sounds around me. I was barely breathing as all my senses kicked into overdrive.

And moments later, they all came crashing down.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. The words were whispered from behind. "I'm sorry Lexy, really I am." Jared moved silently to face me, kneeling down at my side.

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