Chapter 16

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A/N for this story I wanted to make Ally british... don't judge me anyway enjoy the chapter

"Lauren my angel I'd like you to meet someone.", Mike said to his daughter through the walkie talkie

"I'll be there in 5 father.", Lauren radioed back and wiped the sweat from her forehead as she put down the weights.

Lauren straightened herself up to seem more presentable and left the training room to head to her father's office. She knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in angel.", Lauren heard her father say.

Lauren entered the room and saw a short, kinda blonde, beautiful women right next to her father's side waiting expectantly. Lauren fixed her posture to seem more firm as she walked over to them both.

"Lauren I'd like for you to meet your new assistant Miss. Ally Brooke Hernandez.", Mike said warmly.

"Assistant father?", Lauren questioned.

"Yes my dear. As the future mafia leader you'll be put under a lot of pressure and at times it is perfectly ok to have some help balancing that. For these past few days I've been reviewing many potential assistants that have been trained under gang workforces. I wanted to find someone who I could trust to keep up with whatever tasks you assign and will be at most respectful. That's when I came across Miss. Hernandez here. She's trained under the LongRange gang and she is top of her class. She has showed very impressive work and skill.", Mike said proudly as he introduced Miss. Hernandez.

Lauren was a little skeptical about having an assistant since she's been so used to being on her own. Especially when she has assignments and missions to do.Then again Lauren is very much aware of potential stress and work that she will be facing once she takes the reins of the mafia plus she doesn't want to disappoint her father and not accept having an assistant. Also Miss. Hernandez seems pretty legit just by the way she's holding herself.

Very strong looking, sunglasses placed on top of her head, legs crossed, clothing very formal and neat, and she is sitting like a strict business women.

"A pleasure to meet you Miss. Jauregui.", Miss. Hernandez said in her heavy british accent.

"Nice to meet you to Miss. Hernandez.", Lauren greeted back.

"Well I'll leave you ladies to it. Lauren if you would be so kind and show Miss. Hernandez around just so she doesn't get lost.", Mike said.

"Of course father is there anything else?", Lauren asked.

"No my dear that will be all.", Mike said.

"Very well then. Shall we Miss. Hernandez?", Lauren asked.

"Yes Miss. Jauregui.", Miss Hernandez said before turning to Mike. "A pleasure meeting you as well Mr. Jauregui."

"Please call me Mike instead Miss. Hernandez.", Mike smiled.

Miss. Hernandez nodded and followed Lauren out of the office. Lauren lead Miss. Hernandez down the hall and introduced her to all the things the building has to offer. She showed her all the rooms, offices, restricted areas, and training rooms. Lauren was quite impressed how easily her new assistant was learning the area and her surroundings. It took Lauren a little while to get used to everything and she's lived here all her life.

"This is a very impressive ground Miss. Jauregui.", Miss. Hernandez said as they were wrapping up the tour.

"Thank you Miss. Hernandez my father and his father and generations before have worked very hard to get to where we are now.", Lauren said proudly.

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